2018 Topps Archives Topps Rookie History Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2018 Topps Archives Topps Rookie History Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Archives Topps Rookie History Autographs
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Red Foil

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
RHADJ JeterDerek Jeter 0 0
RHAJP PalmerJim Palmer 0 1
RHAGS SheffieldGary Sheffield 0 0
RHAJB BagwellJeff Bagwell 0 1
RHAJD DamonJohnny Damon 0 0
RHATR RainesTim Raines (Red Foil) 0 1
RHARY YountRobin Yount (Red Foil) 0 0
RHAMP PiazzaMike Piazza 0 0
RHADW WinfieldDave Winfield 0 0
RHATG GlavineTom Glavine (Red Foil) 0 0
RHAMT TroutMike Trout 0 0
RHACJ JonesChipper Jones 0 0
RHARA AlomarRoberto Alomar 0 0
RHAHA AaronHank Aaron 0 1
RHAAK KalineAl Kaline (Red Foil) 0 0
RHACB BiggioCraig Biggio 0 1
RHADE EckersleyDennis Eckersley (Red Foil) 0 0
RHACRJ Ripken Jr.Cal Ripken Jr. (Red Foil) 0 1
RHADG GoodenDwight Gooden (Red Foil) 0 0
RHADM MattinglyDon Mattingly (Red Foil) 0 0
RHAFT ThomasFrank Thomas 0 0
RHARY YountRobin Yount 0 1
RHAJB BagwellJeff Bagwell (Red Foil) 0 0
RHATR RainesTim Raines 0 1
RHAJS SmoltzJohn Smoltz 0 0
RHAOS SmithOzzie Smith 0 2
RHASK KoufaxSandy Koufax 0 0
RHAMP PiazzaMike Piazza (Red Foil) 0 0
RHADW WinfieldDave Winfield (Red Foil) 0 0
RHAPM MartinezPedro Martinez 0 0
RHATG GlavineTom Glavine 0 1
RHAAK KalineAl Kaline 0 0
RHARJ JacksonReggie Jackson 0 0
RHABJ JacksonBo Jackson 0 0
RHABJ JacksonBo Jackson (Red Foil) 0 0
RHACRJ Ripken Jr.Cal Ripken Jr. 0 1
RHADG GoodenDwight Gooden 0 0
RHADM MattinglyDon Mattingly 0 0