2018 Bowman's Best Best of 2018 Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2018 Bowman's Best Best of 2018 Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Bowman's Best Best of 2018 Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Gold, Green, Refractor, Atomic, Gold, Green, Superfractor 1/1, Cyan Printing Plate 1/1, Magenta Printing Plate 1/1, Red, Black Printing Plate 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
B18KH HiuraKeston Hiura (Gold) 0 0
B18TC CasasTriston Casas (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18CF FrazierClint Frazier (Green) 0 0
B18JSO SotoJuan Soto (Red) 0 0
B18PD DeJongPaul DeJong (Red) 0 0
B18RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Gold) 0 0
B18AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Atomic) 0 0
B18JA AltuveJose Altuve 0 0
B18NN NaylorNoah Naylor (Green) 1 0
B18AJ JudgeAaron Judge (Atomic) 0 0
B18LE EscobarLuis Escobar (Red) 0 0
B18OA AlbiesOzzie Albies 1 0 Buy
B18SA AlcantaraSandy Alcantara (Gold) 0 0
B18CSC ScottConnor Scott (Red) 0 0
B18TL LarnachTrevor Larnach (Atomic) 0 0
B18BMA MarshBrandon Marsh (Gold) 0 0
B18JL LuzardoJesus Luzardo (Atomic) 0 0
B18JKE KelenicJarred Kelenic (Refractor) 0 0
B18SA AlcantaraSandy Alcantara (Red) 0 0
B18BMA MarshBrandon Marsh (Atomic) 0 0
B18JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Red) 0 0
B18JI IndiaJonathan India 0 0
B18AS SeiglerAnthony Seigler (Green) 0 0
B18JKE KelenicJarred Kelenic (Green) 0 0
B18ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Gold) 0 0
B18RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Atomic) 1 0
B18NH HoernerNico Hoerner (Gold) 0 0 Buy
B18DL LynchDaniel Lynch (Refractor) 0 0
B18ABO BohmAlec Bohm 1 0
B18CV VillanuevaChristian Villanueva 0 0
B18KK KramerKevin Kramer (Gold) 0 0
B18JS SiriJose Siri (Gold) 0 0
B18CK KieboomCarter Kieboom (Atomic) 0 0
B18FT Tatis Jr.Fernando Tatis Jr. (Green) 1 0
B18PS SmithPavin Smith (Atomic) 0 0
B18RL LewisRoyce Lewis 1 0
B18AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Green) 0 0
B18JA AltuveJose Altuve (Green) 0 0
B18AM MeadowsAustin Meadows (Atomic) 0 0
B18LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Gold) 0 0
B18NM MadrigalNick Madrigal 0 0
B18NN NaylorNoah Naylor (Atomic) 0 0
B18EF FlorialEstevan Florial (Red) 0 0
B18JD DownsJeter Downs 1 0 Buy
B18TL LarnachTrevor Larnach (Green) 0 0
B18MG GoreMacKenzie Gore (Green) 0 0
B18JS SiriJose Siri (Atomic) 0 0
B18ABO BohmAlec Bohm (Atomic) 0 0
B18SK KingeryScott Kingery (Atomic) 0 0
B18BS SingerBrady Singer 0 0
B18JH HicksJordan Hicks (Atomic) 0 0
B18JS SiriJose Siri 0 0
B18AS SeiglerAnthony Seigler (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18YA AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Green) 1 0
B18FR RomeroFernando Romero 0 0
B18ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Refractor) 0 0
B18NH HoernerNico Hoerner (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18JI IndiaJonathan India (Gold) 0 0
B18JL LuzardoJesus Luzardo (Green) 0 0
B18CV VillanuevaChristian Villanueva (Red) 0 0
B18KK KramerKevin Kramer (Refractor) 0 0
B18AV VerdugoAlex Verdugo 0 0
B18CM MizeCasey Mize (Red) 0 0
B18NG GormanNolan Gorman (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18PS SmithPavin Smith (Red) 0 0
B18CK KieboomCarter Kieboom 1 0
B18SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Atomic) 1 0
B18JAD AdamsJordyn Adams (Gold) 0 0
B18AM MeadowsAustin Meadows (Green) 0 0
B18CM MizeCasey Mize (Gold) 0 0
B18LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Red) 0 0
B18AA AlzolayAdbert Alzolay (Green) 0 0
B18EH HankinsEthan Hankins (Gold) 0 0
B18ABO BohmAlec Bohm (Green) 0 0
B18TST StephanTrevor Stephan 0 0
B18KD DavisKhris Davis 0 0
B18JST StowersJosh Stowers (Gold) 0 0
B18CP PacheCristian Pache (Gold) 0 0
B18SK KingeryScott Kingery (Green) 0 0
B18BS SingerBrady Singer (Gold) 0 0
B18JH HicksJordan Hicks (Green) 0 0
B18NN NaylorNoah Naylor (Refractor) 1 0
B18CF FrazierClint Frazier (Refractor) 0 0
B18LR RobertLuis Robert 1 0
B18FT Tatis Jr.Fernando Tatis Jr. (Refractor) 0 0
B18MO OlsonMatt Olson (Gold) 0 0
B18LU UriasLuis Urias (Green) 0 0
B18EF FlorialEstevan Florial (Green) 0 0
B18CW WelkerColton Welker (Gold) 0 0
B18KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Gold) 1 0
B18JL LuzardoJesus Luzardo (Refractor) 0 0
B18CP PacheCristian Pache 0 0
B18FT Tatis Jr.Fernando Tatis Jr. (Atomic) 0 0
B18RAD AdamsRiley Adams (Green) 0 0
B18JS SiriJose Siri (Green) 0 0
B18JAD AdamsJordyn Adams (Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B18EF FlorialEstevan Florial 0 0
B18AR RizzoAnthony Rizzo (Atomic) 0 0
B18TC CasasTriston Casas 1 0
B18MO OlsonMatt Olson (Red) 0 0
B18AAL AdemanAramis Ademan 0 0
B18EH HankinsEthan Hankins (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18JD DownsJeter Downs (Atomic) 0 0
B18TST StephanTrevor Stephan (Green) 0 0
B18JA AltuveJose Altuve (Gold) 0 0
B18JST StowersJosh Stowers (Refractor) 0 0
B18ABO BohmAlec Bohm (Refractor) 0 0
B18SM McClanahanShane McClanahan (Atomic) 0 0
B18BS SingerBrady Singer (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B18NSC SchnellNick Schnell (Gold) 0 0
B18EF FlorialEstevan Florial (Gold) 0 0
B18NG GormanNolan Gorman 1 0 Buy
B18GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Gold) 0 0
B18AR RizzoAnthony Rizzo (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Red) 0 0
B18MD DenaburgMason Denaburg 0 0
B18RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Red) 0 0
B18CW WelkerColton Welker (Refractor) 0 0
B18KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Refractor) 0 0
B18RW WeathersRyan Weathers (Refractor) 0 0
B18CP PacheCristian Pache (Red) 0 0
B18JSO SotoJuan Soto (Atomic) 0 0
B18RAD AdamsRiley Adams (Refractor) 0 0
B18AV VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Atomic) 0 0
B18JALEI AlbertosJose Albertos 0 0
B18JS SiriJose Siri (Refractor) 0 0
B18JSO SotoJuan Soto (Green) 0 0
B18HG GreeneHunter Greene (Atomic) 0 0
B18MT TroutMike Trout (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B18AAL AdemanAramis Ademan (Gold) 0 0
B18EW WhiteEvan White (Atomic) 0 0
B18LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Refractor) 1 0
B18VR RoblesVictor Robles (Atomic) 0 0
B18AT ThomasAlek Thomas 0 0
B18JW WilliamsJustin Williams (Green) 0 0
B18JKE KelenicJarred Kelenic 1 0 Buy
B18BSN SnellBlake Snell (Gold) 0 0
B18LR RobertLuis Robert (Gold) 0 0
B18OA AlbiesOzzie Albies (Atomic) 0 0
B18CWI WinnCole Winn (Refractor) 0 0
B18JALEI AlbertosJose Albertos (Gold) 0 0
B18CK KieboomCarter Kieboom (Gold) 0 0
B18ARO RosarioAmed Rosario (Atomic) 0 0
B18YA AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Refractor) 1 0
B18MD DenaburgMason Denaburg (Green) 0 0
B18JAD AdellJo Adell 0 0
B18CWI WinnCole Winn (Atomic) 0 0
B18KRO BreauxJosh Breaux 0 0
B18BMA MarshBrandon Marsh (Red) 0 0
B18JI IndiaJonathan India (Refractor) 0 0
B18FT Tatis Jr.Fernando Tatis Jr. (Gold) 1 0
B18RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Red) 0 0
B18BG GraterolBrusdar Graterol (Gold) 0 0
B18OA AlbiesOzzie Albies (Red) 0 0
B18TL LarnachTrevor Larnach (Refractor) 0 0
B18SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani 1 0 Buy
B18HR RamosHeliot Ramos (Atomic) 0 0
B18NM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Gold) 0 0
B18AAL AdemanAramis Ademan (Refractor) 0 0
B18EW WhiteEvan White (Green) 0 0
B18ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Red) 0 0
B18VR RoblesVictor Robles (Red) 0 0
B18MO OlsonMatt Olson 0 0
B18KB BryantKris Bryant (Gold) 0 0
B18JAD AdellJo Adell (Green) 0 0 Buy
B18NG GormanNolan Gorman (Green) 0 0
B18BSN SnellBlake Snell (Red) 0 0
B18LR RobertLuis Robert (Green) 1 0 Buy
B18RR RolisonRyan Rolison (Red) 0 0
B18BG GraterolBrusdar Graterol (Refractor) 0 0
B18JALEI AlbertosJose Albertos (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18BMA MarshBrandon Marsh (Refractor) 0 0
B18ARO RosarioAmed Rosario (Green) 0 0
B18MT TroutMike Trout 1 0
B18MG GoreMacKenzie Gore 0 0
B18GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez 0 0
B18CWI WinnCole Winn (Green) 0 0
B18SM McClanahanShane McClanahan (Green) 0 0
B18NG GormanNolan Gorman (Refractor) 1 0
B18JK KendallJeren Kendall (Atomic) 0 0
B18ABO BohmAlec Bohm (Gold) 1 0
B18BT TurangBrice Turang (Green) 0 0
B18SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Gold) 1 0
B18PD DeJongPaul DeJong (Atomic) 0 0
B18KR RuizKeibert Ruiz 0 0
B18NH HoernerNico Hoerner (Atomic) 0 0
B18HR RamosHeliot Ramos (Green) 0 0
B18NM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Red) 0 0
B18AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Gold) 0 0
B18EW WhiteEvan White (Refractor) 0 0
B18NM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Refractor) 0 0
B18MG GoreMacKenzie Gore (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18NH HoernerNico Hoerner (Green) 0 0 Buy
B18CSC ScottConnor Scott (Atomic) 0 0
B18KD DavisKhris Davis (Atomic) 0 0
B18CK KieboomCarter Kieboom (Green) 0 0 Buy
B18JK KendallJeren Kendall (Green) 0 0
B18KH HiuraKeston Hiura (Red) 0 0
B18RW WeathersRyan Weathers 0 0
B18BM McKayBrendan McKay (Atomic) 0 0
B18JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Gold) 1 0
B18BT TurangBrice Turang (Refractor) 0 0
B18AS SeiglerAnthony Seigler 0 0
B18YA AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Gold) 0 0
B18MG GoreMacKenzie Gore (Gold) 0 0
B18AV VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Gold) 0 0
B18DL LynchDaniel Lynch 0 0
B18TC CasasTriston Casas (Gold) 0 0
B18LU UriasLuis Urias (Atomic) 0 0
B18TC CasasTriston Casas (Red) 0 0
B18CF FrazierClint Frazier (Gold) 0 0
B18AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18PD DeJongPaul DeJong (Green) 0 0
B18ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore 0 0 Buy
B18CP PacheCristian Pache (Refractor) 0 0
B18HR RamosHeliot Ramos (Refractor) 0 0
B18NN NaylorNoah Naylor (Gold) 0 0
B18AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Red) 0 0
B18FP PerezFranklin Perez (Refractor) 0 0
B18KRO BreauxJosh Breaux (Red) 0 0
B18CM MizeCasey Mize (Green) 0 0
B18CK KieboomCarter Kieboom (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B18CSC ScottConnor Scott (Green) 0 0
B18KH HiuraKeston Hiura (Atomic) 0 0
B18JL LuzardoJesus Luzardo 0 0
B18AJ JudgeAaron Judge 0 0
B18SA AlcantaraSandy Alcantara 0 0 Buy
B18BM McKayBrendan McKay (Green) 0 0
B18JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B18AV VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Green) 0 0
B18AS SeiglerAnthony Seigler (Gold) 0 0
B18JSO SotoJuan Soto 1 0 Buy
B18ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Atomic) 0 0
B18VR RoblesVictor Robles 0 0
B18DL LynchDaniel Lynch (Green) 0 0
B18LR RobertLuis Robert (Red) 0 0
B18TL LarnachTrevor Larnach 0 0
B18TC CasasTriston Casas (Refractor) 1 0
B18KK KramerKevin Kramer 0 0
B18RW WeathersRyan Weathers (Red) 0 0
B18CF FrazierClint Frazier (Red) 0 0
B18YA AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Atomic) 0 0 Buy
B18PS SmithPavin Smith 0 0 Buy
B18NG GormanNolan Gorman (Atomic) 0 0
B18MT TroutMike Trout (Gold) 0 0
B18JA AltuveJose Altuve (Atomic) 0 0
B18NN NaylorNoah Naylor (Red) 0 0
B18AJ JudgeAaron Judge (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Atomic) 0 0
B18JAD AdamsJordyn Adams (Atomic) 0 0
B18SA AlcantaraSandy Alcantara (Green) 0 0
B18CSC ScottConnor Scott (Refractor) 0 0
B18TL LarnachTrevor Larnach (Gold) 0 0
B18AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Refractor) 0 0
B18JL LuzardoJesus Luzardo (Red) 0 0
B18CP PacheCristian Pache (Atomic) 0 0
B18SK KingeryScott Kingery 0 0
B18BMA MarshBrandon Marsh (Green) 0 0
B18JH HicksJordan Hicks 0 0 Buy
B18RAD AdamsRiley Adams 0 0
B18AS SeiglerAnthony Seigler (Refractor) 0 0
B18RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. 1 0
B18ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Green) 0 0
B18NH HoernerNico Hoerner (Red) 0 0
B18DL LynchDaniel Lynch (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18YA AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Red) 0 0
B18SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Black Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B18CV VillanuevaChristian Villanueva (Gold) 0 0
B18KK KramerKevin Kramer (Green) 0 0
B18AM MeadowsAustin Meadows 0 0
B18CK KieboomCarter Kieboom (Refractor) 0 0
B18JSO SotoJuan Soto (Gold) 0 0
B18PS SmithPavin Smith (Green) 0 0
B18EH HankinsEthan Hankins 0 0
B18BS SingerBrady Singer (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18JAD AdamsJordyn Adams 0 0
B18AM MeadowsAustin Meadows (Gold) 0 0
B18MT TroutMike Trout (Red) 0 0
B18LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Green) 0 0
B18HG GreeneHunter Greene (Green) 0 0
B18EH HankinsEthan Hankins (Atomic) 0 0
B18SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Red) 0 0 Buy
B18TL LarnachTrevor Larnach (Red) 0 0
B18GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Refractor) 0 0
B18JST StowersJosh Stowers 0 0 Buy
B18AV VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Red) 0 0
B18SK KingeryScott Kingery (Gold) 0 0
B18BS SingerBrady Singer (Atomic) 0 0
B18JH HicksJordan Hicks (Gold) 0 0
B18SM McClanahanShane McClanahan 0 0 Buy
B18BT TurangBrice Turang (Atomic) 0 0
B18FR RomeroFernando Romero (Green) 0 0
B18MO OlsonMatt Olson (Atomic) 0 0
B18AA AlzolayAdbert Alzolay (Gold) 0 0
B18LU UriasLuis Urias (Gold) 0 0
B18JI IndiaJonathan India (Atomic) 0 0
B18CW WelkerColton Welker 0 0
B18KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Atomic) 0 0
B18JD DownsJeter Downs (Green) 0 0
B18CM MizeCasey Mize (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Atomic) 1 0
B18RAD AdamsRiley Adams (Gold) 0 0
B18JI IndiaJonathan India (Green) 0 0
B18RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Green) 1 0
B18JAD AdamsJordyn Adams (Green) 0 0
B18LG GilbertLogan Gilbert 1 0 Buy
B18AR RizzoAnthony Rizzo 0 0
B18YA AlvarezYordan Alvarez 1 0
B18MO OlsonMatt Olson (Green) 0 0
B18AA AlzolayAlbert Alzolay (Refractor) 0 0
B18EH HankinsEthan Hankins (Red) 0 0
B18JL LuzardoJesus Luzardo (Gold) 0 0
B18TST StephanTrevor Stephan (Atomic) 0 0
B18KB BryantKris Bryant (Atomic) 0 0
B18JST StowersJosh Stowers (Red) 0 0
B18HG GreeneHunter Greene (Gold) 0 0
B18SK KingeryScott Kingery (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18BS SingerBrady Singer (Green) 0 0
B18NSC SchnellNick Schnell 0 0
B18RAD AdamsRiley Adams (Atomic) 0 0
B18FT Tatis Jr.Fernando Tatis Jr. 1 0
B18GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Atomic) 0 0
B18AR RizzoAnthony Rizzo (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B18AR RizzoAnthony Rizzo (Gold) 0 0
B18LU UriasLuis Urias (Red) 0 0
B18JAD AdamsJordyn Adams (Red) 0 0
B18CW WelkerColton Welker (Red) 0 0
B18KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Green) 0 0
B18JD DownsJeter Downs (Gold) 0 0
B18CP PacheCristian Pache (Green) 0 0
B18FT Tatis Jr.Fernando Tatis Jr. (Red) 0 0
B18RAD AdamsRiley Adams (Red) 0 0
B18BG GraterolBrusdar Graterol (Green) 0 0
B18AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Gold) 0 0
B18JAD AdellJo Adell (Atomic) 0 0
B18JS SiriJose Siri (Red) 0 0
B18JI IndiaJonathan India (Red) 0 0
B18GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Green) 0 0
B18MO OlsonMatt Olson (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18AAL AdemanAramis Ademan (Atomic) 0 0
B18EW WhiteEvan White 0 0
B18AB BohmAlec Bohm (Gold) 0 0
B18TST StephanTrevor Stephan (Refractor) 0 0
B18BG GraterolBrusdar Graterol 0 0
B18JW WilliamsJustin Williams (Gold) 0 0
B18JKE KelenicJarred Kelenic (Red) 0 0
B18BS SingerBrady Singer (Refractor) 0 0
B18NSC SchnellNick Schnell (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18KRO BreauxJosh Breaux (Gold) 0 0
B18NH HoernerNico Hoerner 0 0 Buy
B18ARO RosarioAmed Rosario 0 0
B18CM MizeCasey Mize (Atomic) 0 0
B18MD DenaburgMason Denaburg (Gold) 0 0
B18AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Red) 0 0
B18CWI WinnCole Winn 0 0
B18KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18KB BryantKris Bryant 0 0
B18CSC ScottConnor Scott 0 0
B18JH HicksJordan Hicks (Red) 0 0
B18MT TroutMike Trout (Atomic) 0 0
B18RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Green) 0 0
B18AV VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18JALEI AlbertosJose Albertos (Atomic) 0 0
B18RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Gold) 0 0
B18HR RamosHeliot Ramos 0 0
B18MT TroutMike Trout (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B18AAL AdemanAramis Ademan (Green) 0 0
B18EW WhiteEvan White (Gold) 0 0
B18TC CasasTriston Casas (Atomic) 0 0
B18VR RoblesVictor Robles (Green) 0 0
B18RR RolisonRyan Rolison 0 0
B18JW WilliamsJustin Williams (Refractor) 0 0
B18CM MizeCasey Mize 1 0
B18BSN SnellBlake Snell (Green) 0 0
B18SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Green) 1 0
B18OA AlbiesOzzie Albies (Green) 0 0 Buy
B18LU UriasLuis Urias 0 0
B18JALEI AlbertosJose Albertos (Refractor) 0 0
B18KH HiuraKeston Hiura (Green) 0 0
B18ARO RosarioAmed Rosario (Gold) 0 0
B18JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B18MD DenaburgMason Denaburg (Refractor) 0 0
B18HG GreeneHunter Greene 0 0
B18CWI WinnCole Winn (Gold) 0 0
B18KRO BreauxJosh Breaux (Green) 0 0
B18SM McClanahanShane McClanahan (Gold) 0 0
B18JW WilliamsJustin Williams 0 0
B18JK KendallJeren Kendall 0 0
B18NG GormanNolan Gorman (Red) 0 0
B18RR RolisonRyan Rolison (Gold) 0 0
B18BG GraterolBrusdar Graterol (Red) 0 0
B18PD DeJongPaul DeJong 0 0
B18NM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Atomic) 0 0
B18OA AlbiesOzzie Albies (Gold) 0 0
B18HR RamosHeliot Ramos (Gold) 0 0
B18NM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Green) 0 0
B18AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Atomic) 0 0
B18EW WhiteEvan White (Red) 0 0
B18EF FlorialEstevan Florial (Atomic) 0 0
B18YA AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B18LE EscobarLuis Escobar 0 0
B18KB BryantKris Bryant (Red) 0 0
B18AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Refractor) 0 0
B18BT TurangBrice Turang 0 0 Buy
B18JKE KelenicJarred Kelenic (Atomic) 0 0
B18RR RolisonRyan Rolison (Refractor) 0 0
B18BM McKayBrendan McKay 0 0
B18JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Atomic) 0 0
B18NG GormanNolan Gorman (Gold) 1 0 Buy
B18ARO RosarioAmed Rosario (Red) 0 0
B18LR RobertLuis Robert (Atomic) 0 0
B18MG GoreMacKenzie Gore (Atomic) 0 0
B18JG GroshansJordan Groshans 0 0
B18CWI WinnCole Winn (Red) 0 0
B18SM McClanahanShane McClanahan (Red) 0 0
B18NH HoernerNico Hoerner (Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B18JK KendallJeren Kendall (Gold) 0 0
B18ABO BohmAlec Bohm (Red) 0 0
B18CF FrazierClint Frazier (Atomic) 0 0
B18JAD AdellJo Adell (Red) 0 0
B18PD DeJongPaul DeJong (Gold) 0 0
B18JAD AdellJo Adell (Gold) 0 0
B18JKE KelenicJarred Kelenic (Gold) 1 0
B18HR RamosHeliot Ramos (Red) 0 0
B18NN NaylorNoah Naylor 0 0
B18AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Green) 0 0
B18FP PerezFranklin Perez 0 0
B18RW WeathersRyan Weathers (Gold) 0 0
B18AJ JudgeAaron Judge (Red) 0 0
B18CSC ScottConnor Scott (Gold) 0 0
B18KD DavisKhris Davis (Green) 0 0
B18VR RoblesVictor Robles (Gold) 0 0
B18JK KendallJeren Kendall (Refractor) 0 0
B18BMA MarshBrandon Marsh 0 0 Buy
B18RW WeathersRyan Weathers (Green) 0 0
B18BM McKayBrendan McKay (Gold) 0 0 Buy
B18JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Green) 0 0
B18KH HiuraKeston Hiura 1 0
B18AS SeiglerAnthony Seigler (Atomic) 0 0
B18BT TurangBrice Turang (Gold) 0 0
B18MG GoreMacKenzie Gore (Refractor) 0 0
B18KRO BreauxJosh Breaux (Atomic) 0 0
B18DL LynchDaniel Lynch (Gold) 0 0 Buy
B18CM MizeCasey Mize (Refractor) 1 0
B18TC CasasTriston Casas (Green) 0 0
B18JD DownsJeter Downs (Refractor) 0 0 Buy