2016 Topps Chrome Rookie Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2016 Topps Chrome Rookie Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Chrome Rookie Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Refractor, Blue Refractor, Gold Refractor, Purple Refractor, Red Refractor, Green Refractor, Orange Refractor, Superfractor 1/1, Print Plate Black 1/1, Print Plate Cyan 1/1, Print Plate Magenta 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
RA-JHA HazelbakerJeremy Hazelbaker 0 0
RA-JPA PazosJames Pazos (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-MC ConfortoMichael Conforto (Gold Refractor) 1 0
RA-CE Edwards Jr.Carl Edwards Jr. (Refractor) 0 0
RA-MD DuffyMatt Duffy (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-ZG GodleyZack Godley (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-CR ReaColin Rea 0 0
RA-LS SeverinoLuis Severino (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-BP ParkByung-HO Park (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-RR RefsnyderRob Refsnyder (Refractor) 0 0
RA-AB BlairAaron Blair (Refractor) 0 0
RA-PO O'BrienPeter O'Brien 0 0
RA-HOL OliveraHector Olivera 0 0
RA-MSM SmithMallex Smith 0 0 Buy
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-KM MarteKetel Marte 1 0
RA-DL LeeDae-HO Lee (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-TM MurphyTom Murphy (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-TS StoryTrevor Story 1 0 Buy
RA-KMA MaedaKenta Maeda (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-LS SeverinoLuis Severino 1 0
RA-AN NolaAaron Nola (Refractor) 0 0
RA-RS StriplingRoss Stripling 0 0
RA-AH HansonAlen Hanson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-JHA HazelbakerJeremy Hazelbaker (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-JPE PerazaJose Peraza (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-SOB BritoSocrates Brito 0 0
RA-TN NaquinTyler Naquin (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-MIR ReedMichael Reed (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-ZL LeeZach Lee (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-CR ReaColin Rea (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-MAL AlmonteMiguel Almonte 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-JR RickardJoey Rickard 0 0
RA-BD DruryBrandon Drury (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-PO O'BrienPeter O'Brien (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-HOW OwensHenry Owens 0 0
RA-MSM SmithMallex Smith (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-BS SnellBlake Snell 1 0
RA-AN NolaAaron Nola (Purple Refractor) 1 0
RA-DS SweeneyDarnell Sweeney 0 0
RA-TN NaquinTyler Naquin (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-KSA SampsonKeyvius Sampson 0 0
RA-BS SnellBlake Snell (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-JR RickardJoey Rickard (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-RS StriplingRoss Stripling (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-AH HansonAlen Hanson (Refractor) 0 0
RA-JHA HazelbakerJeremy Hazelbaker (Refractor) 0 0
RA-NM MazaraNomar Mazara (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-TZ ZychTony Zych 0 0
RA-MS SanoMiguel Sano (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-MIR ReedMichael Reed (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-KW WaldropKyle Waldrop (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Print Plate Cyan 1/1) 0 0
RA-TB BrownTrevor Brown 0 0
RA-TS StoryTrevor Story (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Blue Refractor) 1 0
RA-BD DruryBrandon Drury (Refractor) 0 0
RA-RM MondesiRaul Mondesi 0 0
RA-JE EickhoffJerad Eickhoff 0 0
RA-MSM SmithMallex Smith (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios 0 0
RA-KMA MaedaKenta Maeda (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-FM MontasFrankie Montas (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-TN NaquinTyler Naquin (Refractor) 0 0
RA-BP ParkByung-HO Park (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-KT TomlinsonKelby Tomlinson 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Blue Refractor) 1 0
RA-JR RickardJoey Rickard (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-RS StriplingRoss Stripling (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-AJR ReedA.J. Reed (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-JPA PazosJames Pazos (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TZ ZychTony Zych (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-MD DuffyMatt Duffy 0 0
RA-MIR ReedMichael Reed (Refractor) 0 0
RA-KM MarteKetel Marte (Refractor) 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-TD DuffeyTyler Duffey 0 0
RA-BP ParkByung-HO Park (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-KT TomlinsonKelby Tomlinson (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-NM MazaraNomar Mazara (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-BE EllingtonBrian Ellington 0 0
RA-RM MondesiRaul Mondesi (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-JE EickhoffJerad Eickhoff (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-MSM SmithMallex Smith (Refractor) 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios (Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTU TurnerTrea Turner (Purple Refractor) 1 0
RA-FM MontasFrankie Montas (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-MAL AlmonteMiguel Almonte (Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTH ThompsonTrayce Thompson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-TJ JankowskiTravis Jankowski 0 0
RA-TTU TurnerTrea Turner (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-JTA TaillonJameson Taillon (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-RS StriplingRoss Stripling (Refractor) 0 0
RA-AJR ReedA.J. Reed (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RA-TZ ZychTony Zych (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-KM MarteKetel Marte (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-DA AlvarezDariel Alvarez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTH ThompsonTrayce Thompson (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-BS SnellBlake Snell (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-KW WaldropKyle Waldrop (Refractor) 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-BE EllingtonBrian Ellington (Refractor) 0 0
RA-RM MondesiRaul Mondesi (Refractor) 0 0
RA-JE EickhoffJerad Eickhoff (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-MW WilliamsonMac Williamson (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-ROS StephensonRobert Stephenson (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-GB BirdGreg Bird (Refractor) 0 0
RA-JTA TaillonJameson Taillon 0 0
RA-MAR ReynoldsMatt Reynolds (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-DA AlvarezDariel Alvarez (Refractor) 0 0
RA-TJ JankowskiTravis Jankowski (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TA AndersonTim Anderson 1 0 Buy
RA-JTA TaillonJameson Taillon (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-RSH ShafferRichie Shaffer (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-ALA AlmoraAlbert Almora (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-JPA PazosJames Pazos (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-AB BlairAaron Blair (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler (Refractor) 0 0
RA-NM MazaraNomar Mazara (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-BS SnellBlake Snell (Blue Refractor) 1 0
RA-MAR ReynoldsMatt Reynolds (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTU TurnerTrea Turner (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-CE Edwards Jr.Carl Edwards Jr. 0 0
RA-LG GiolitoLucas Giolito (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Purple Refractor) 1 0
RA-BJ JohnsonBrian Johnson (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-ROS StephensonRobert Stephenson (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-JE EickhoffJerad Eickhoff (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-RR RefsnyderRob Refsnyder (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-JU UriasJulio Urias (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-LG GiolitoLucas Giolito (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-MS SanoMiguel Sano 0 0
RA-RD DullRyan Dull 0 0
RA-MC ConfortoMichael Conforto 1 0
RA-DL LeeDae-HO Lee (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-TM MurphyTom Murphy 0 0
RA-JU UriasJulio Urias 0 0
RA-KC CowartKaleb Cowart 0 0
RA-RSH ShafferRichie Shaffer (Refractor) 0 0
RA-ALA AlmoraAlbert Almora (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-JPE PerazaJose Peraza 0 0
RA-GB BirdGreg Bird (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RA-LS SeverinoLuis Severino (Refractor) 0 0 Buy
RA-JPE PerazaJose Peraza (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-MC ConfortoMichael Conforto (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-TW WhiteTyler White (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-CE Edwards Jr.Carl Edwards Jr. (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-LJ JacksonLuke Jackson 0 0
RA-BJ JohnsonBrian Johnson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-BJ JohnsonBrian Johnson (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-RR RefsnyderRob Refsnyder 0 0
RA-JG GrayJon Gray 0 0
RA-GB BirdGreg Bird (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-MS SanoMiguel Sano (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-MC ConfortoMichael Conforto (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Purple Refractor) 1 0
RA-DL LeeDae-HO Lee (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-TM MurphyTom Murphy (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-TS StoryTrevor Story (Refractor) 1 0
RA-KC CowartKaleb Cowart (Refractor) 0 0
RA-SP PiscottyStephen Piscotty (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-AN NolaAaron Nola (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-MW WilliamsonMac Williamson (Refractor) 0 0 Buy
RA-JG GrayJon Gray (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-RD DullRyan Dull (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-KM MarteKetel Marte (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-MD DuffyMatt Duffy (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-ZG GodleyZack Godley 0 0
RA-CE Edwards Jr.Carl Edwards Jr. (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-LS SeverinoLuis Severino (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-BP ParkByung-HO Park (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-RR RefsnyderRob Refsnyder (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-AB BlairAaron Blair (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-NM MazaraNomar Mazara (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-GB BirdGreg Bird (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-MS SanoMiguel Sano (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-RM MondesiRaul Mondesi (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-DL LeeDae-HO Lee (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TM MurphyTom Murphy (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTU TurnerTrea Turner (Blue Refractor) 1 0
RA-KMA MaedaKenta Maeda 0 0
RA-LS SeverinoLuis Severino (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-AN NolaAaron Nola (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-AH HansonAlen Hanson 0 0
RA-JHA HazelbakerJeremy Hazelbaker (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-KM MarteKetel Marte (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-SOB BritoSocrates Brito (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-ALA AlmoraAlbert Almora 0 0
RA-MIR ReedMichael Reed 0 0
RA-ZL LeeZach Lee 0 0
RA-CR ReaColin Rea (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-LS SeverinoLuis Severino (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Gold Refractor) 1 0
RA-BP ParkByung-HO Park (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-JPE PerazaJose Peraza (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-RR RefsnyderRob Refsnyder (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RA-PO O'BrienPeter O'Brien (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-HOL OliveraHector Olivera (Refractor) 0 0
RA-MSM SmithMallex Smith (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-TS StoryTrevor Story (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-JPE PerazaJose Peraza (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-DL LeeDae-HO Lee (Refractor) 0 0
RA-TM MurphyTom Murphy (Refractor) 0 0
RA-KMA MaedaKenta Maeda (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-BS SnellBlake Snell (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-BD DruryBrandon Drury 0 0
RA-RS StriplingRoss Stripling (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-AH HansonAlen Hanson (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-JHA HazelbakerJeremy Hazelbaker (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-NM MazaraNomar Mazara (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-TZ ZychTony Zych (Refractor) 0 0
RA-KW WaldropKyle Waldrop 0 0
RA-MIR ReedMichael Reed (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-BD DruryBrandon Drury (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Print Plate Black 1/1) 0 0
RA-MAL AlmonteMiguel Almonte (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-SP PiscottyStephen Piscotty (Refractor) 0 0
RA-TS StoryTrevor Story (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-JR RickardJoey Rickard (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-BD DruryBrandon Drury (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-RD DullRyan Dull (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-HOW OwensHenry Owens (Refractor) 0 0
RA-MSM SmithMallex Smith (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler 0 0
RA-JU UriasJulio Urias (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-FM MontasFrankie Montas 0 0
RA-TN NaquinTyler Naquin (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Green Refractor) 1 0
RA-LS SeverinoLuis Severino (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-JR RickardJoey Rickard (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-RS StriplingRoss Stripling (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-AJR ReedA.J. Reed 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-RD DullRyan Dull (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-TZ ZychTony Zych (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-JTA TaillonJameson Taillon (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-MIR ReedMichael Reed (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-RM MondesiRaul Mondesi (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-JG GrayJon Gray (Gold Refractor) 0 0 Buy
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Print Plate Magenta 1/1) 0 0
RA-TB BrownTrevor Brown (Refractor) 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-KT TomlinsonKelby Tomlinson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-NM MazaraNomar Mazara (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-BD DruryBrandon Drury (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RA-RM MondesiRaul Mondesi (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-JE EickhoffJerad Eickhoff (Blue Refractor) 0 0 Buy
RA-MSM SmithMallex Smith (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-KM MarteKetel Marte (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TS StoryTrevor Story (Purple Refractor) 1 0
RA-FM MontasFrankie Montas (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTH ThompsonTrayce Thompson 0 0
RA-BP ParkByung-HO Park (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TD DuffeyTyler Duffey (Refractor) 0 0
RA-JU UriasJulio Urias (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-JR RickardJoey Rickard (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-RS StriplingRoss Stripling (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-AJR ReedA.J. Reed (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TZ ZychTony Zych (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-RM MondesiRaul Mondesi (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-LG GiolitoLucas Giolito 0 0
RA-DA AlvarezDariel Alvarez 0 0
RA-TTH ThompsonTrayce Thompson (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-BP ParkByung-HO Park (Refractor) 0 0
RA-KW WaldropKyle Waldrop (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-CS SeagerCorey Seager 1 0 Buy
RA-BE EllingtonBrian Ellington (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-RM MondesiRaul Mondesi (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-JE EickhoffJerad Eickhoff (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-MW WilliamsonMac Williamson 0 0
RA-FM MontasFrankie Montas (Refractor) 0 0
RA-KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber 0 0
RA-MAR ReynoldsMatt Reynolds 0 0
RA-DA AlvarezDariel Alvarez (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TJ JankowskiTravis Jankowski (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTU TurnerTrea Turner (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-JTA TaillonJameson Taillon (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-RSH ShafferRichie Shaffer 0 0
RA-ALA AlmoraAlbert Almora (Blue Refractor) 0 0 Buy
RA-JPA PazosJames Pazos 0 0
RA-AB BlairAaron Blair 0 0
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-MS SanoMiguel Sano (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-MAR ReynoldsMatt Reynolds (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTH ThompsonTrayce Thompson (Refractor) 0 0
RA-BS SnellBlake Snell (Refractor) 1 0
RA-LG GiolitoLucas Giolito (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-AN NolaAaron Nola (Blue Refractor) 0 0 Buy
RA-BJ JohnsonBrian Johnson 0 0
RA-ROS StephensonRobert Stephenson 0 0
RA-JE EickhoffJerad Eickhoff (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTH ThompsonTrayce Thompson (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-JU UriasJulio Urias (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-TN NaquinTyler Naquin 0 0
RA-TW WhiteTyler White (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-KM MarteKetel Marte (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-DL LeeDae-HO Lee 0 0
RA-TM ManciniTrey Mancini 0 0
RA-TS StoryTrevor Story (Green Refractor) 1 0
RA-JTA TaillonJameson Taillon (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-RSH ShafferRichie Shaffer (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-ALA AlmoraAlbert Almora (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-JPA PazosJames Pazos (Refractor) 0 0
RA-AB BlairAaron Blair (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-GB BirdGreg Bird 0 0
RA-MK KeplerMax Kepler (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RA-MS SanoMiguel Sano (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-MAR ReynoldsMatt Reynolds (Refractor) 0 0
RA-TW WhiteTyler White 0 0
RA-CE Edwards Jr.Carl Edwards Jr. (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-LG GiolitoLucas Giolito (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-MC ConfortoMichael Conforto (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-BJ JohnsonBrian Johnson (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-ROS StephensonRobert Stephenson (Refractor) 0 0
RA-JE EickhoffJerad Eickhoff (Refractor) 0 0
RA-KMA MaedaKenta Maeda (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-BS SnellBlake Snell (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-MS SanoMiguel Sano (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTU TurnerTrea Turner (Green Refractor) 1 0
RA-TS StoryTrevor Story (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-DL LeeDae-HO Lee (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-TM MurphyTom Murphy (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-BS SnellBlake Snell (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-KC CowartKaleb Cowart (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-SP PiscottyStephen Piscotty 0 0
RA-ALA AlmoraAlbert Almora (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-JPE PerazaJose Peraza (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-MW WilliamsonMac Williamson (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-GB BirdGreg Bird (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RA-ROS StephensonRobert Stephenson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-JOS BerriosJose Berrios (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-NM MazaraNomar Mazara (Refractor) 0 0
RA-MC ConfortoMichael Conforto (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-TW WhiteTyler White (Refractor) 0 0
RA-CE Edwards Jr.Carl Edwards Jr. (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-LJ JacksonLuke Jackson (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-TTU TurnerTrea Turner 0 0
RA-BP ParkByung-HO Park 0 0
RA-RR RefsnyderRob Refsnyder (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-JG GrayJon Gray (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RA-GB BirdGreg Bird (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-MS SanoMiguel Sano (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-JU UriasJulio Urias (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-AN NolaAaron Nola 0 0
RA-DL LeeDae-HO Lee (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-TM MurphyTom Murphy (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RA-MC ConfortoMichael Conforto (Red Refractor) 0 0
RA-KM MarteKetel Marte (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-LS SeverinoLuis Severino (Purple Refractor) 1 0
RA-SP PiscottyStephen Piscotty (Purple Refractor) 0 0
RA-AN NolaAaron Nola (Green Refractor) 0 0
RA-NM MazaraNomar Mazara 0 0