2016 Leaf Metal Draft Autograph Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2016 Leaf Metal Draft Autograph Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Leaf Metal Draft Autograph
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Blue Prismatic, Gold Super Prismatic 1/1, Pink Prismatic, Black Prismatic, Red Prismatic, Green Prismatic, Purple Prismatic, Gold Prismatic 1/1, Cyan Print Plate 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
JL1 LoweJosh Lowe (Gold Super Prismatic 1/1) 0 0
DS1 SwansonDansby Swanson (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
AJP PukA.J. Puk 0 0
TT1 TrammellTaylor Trammell (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
KT1 TuckerKyle Tucker (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Black Prismatic) 0 0
FW1 WhitleyForrest Whitley (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
YCC ChangYU-Cheng Chang (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
FW1 WhitleyForrest Whitley 0 0
DS1 SwansonDansby Swanson (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
AJP PukA.J. Puk (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
BR1 RodgersBrendan Rodgers 0 0 Buy
MT1 ThaissMatt Thaiss (Black Prismatic) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Cyan Print Plate 1/1) 0 0
GL1 LuxGavin Lux (Gold Prismatic 1/1) 0 0
AJP PukA.J. Puk (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
IA1 AndersonIan Anderson (Green Prismatic) 0 0
EL1 LauerEric Lauer 0 0
AK2 KiriloffAlex Kiriloff (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
YG1 GurrielYulieski Gurriel (Red Prismatic) 0 0
BR2 RutherfordBlake Rutherford 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Gold Super Prismatic 1/1) 0 0
JGI GroomeJason Groome 0 0
NS1 SenzelNick Senzel 0 0
GL1 LuxGavin Lux (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
AK2 KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
BR2 RutherfordBlake Rutherford (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
WS SmithWill Smith (Gold Super Prismatic 1/1) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
JW1 WentzJoey Wentz (Red Prismatic) 0 0
AV2 VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
RPI PintRiley Pint 0 0
NS1 SenzelNick Senzel (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
GL1 LuxGavin Lux (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
JL1 LoweJosh Lowe (Black Prismatic) 0 0 Buy
CK1 KieboomCarter Kieboom (Green Prismatic) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Red Prismatic) 0 0
KM1 MullerKyle Muller (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
CQ1 QuantrillCal Quantrill (Black Prismatic) 0 0 Buy
TM1 McKenzieTriston McKenzie (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
NS1 SenzelNick Senzel (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
JF1 FernandezJunior Fernandez (Black Prismatic) 0 0
YG1 GurrielYulieski Gurriel (Black Prismatic) 0 0
JL1 LoweJosh Lowe (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
KL1 LewisKyle Lewis (Red Prismatic) 0 0
CK1 KieboomCarter Kieboom (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
DC1 CarlsonDylan Carlson (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
TT2 TebowTim Tebow (Black Prismatic) 0 0
TT1 TrammellTaylor Trammell 0 0
KH1 HuntKareem Hunt (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams 0 0
AB1 BregmanAlex Bregman (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
TT2 TebowTim Tebow (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
CRI RagansCole Ragans (Gold Super Prismatic 1/1) 0 0
DC1 CarlsonDylan Carlson (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
WC1 CraigWill Craig (Red Prismatic) 0 0
TT1 TrammellTaylor Trammell (Green Prismatic) 0 0
KL1 LewisKyle Lewis (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
CWH HUChih-Wei HU (Black Prismatic) 0 0
AB1 BregmanAlex Bregman (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
YG1 GurrielYulieski Gurriel (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
KT1 TuckerKyle Tucker (Black Prismatic) 0 0
FW1 WhitleyForrest Whitley (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
WS1 SmithWill Smith (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
TT1 TrammellTaylor Trammell (Red Prismatic) 0 0
NS1 SenzelNick Senzel (Red Prismatic) 0 0
DS1 SwansonDansby Swanson (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
AJP PukA.J. Puk (Black Prismatic) 0 0
AV2 VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
MM1 ManningMatt Manning (Red Prismatic) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
GL1 LuxGavin Lux 0 0
ZC1 CollinsZack Collins 0 0
IA1 AndersonIan Anderson (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
DS1 SwansonDansby Swanson (Yellow Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
AK1 KayAnthony Kay (Red Prismatic) 0 0
BR2 RutherfordBlake Rutherford (Red Prismatic) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Gold Prismatic 1/1) 0 0
GL1 LuxGavin Lux (Green Prismatic) 0 0
WS1 SmithWill Smith 0 0
IA1 AndersonIan Anderson (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
FW1 WhitleyForrest Whitley (Red Prismatic) 0 0
AR1 RosarioAmed Rosario (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
BR2 RutherfordBlake Rutherford (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Green Prismatic) 0 0
JGI GroomeJason Groome (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
OV1 VizquelOmar Vizquel (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
NS1 SenzelNick Senzel (Black Prismatic) 0 0
GL1 LuxGavin Lux (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
ARI RosarioAmed Rosario 0 0
BR2 RutherfordBlake Rutherford (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
AV2 VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Gold Super Prismatic 1/1) 0 0
CA1 AdamsChance Adams (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
KLI LewisKyle Lewis (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
CK1 KieboomCarter Kieboom (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
TM1 McKenzieTriston McKenzie 0 0
NS1 SenzelNick Senzel (Green Prismatic) 0 0
JD1 DunnJustin Dunn (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
KM1 MullerKyle Muller (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
IA1 AndersonIan Anderson (Gold Prismatic) 0 0
CK1 KieboomCarter Kieboom 0 0
DC1 CarlsonDylan Carlson 0 0
TMI McKenzieTriston McKenzie (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
NS1 SenzelNick Senzel (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
JSI SheffieldJordan Sheffield (Purple Prismatic) 0 0
BG1 GarrettBraxton Garrett (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
AB1 BregmanAlex Bregman 0 0
TT2 TebowTim Tebow 0 0
CR2 RayCorey Ray (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
DC1 CarlsonDylan Carlson (Pink Prismatic) 0 0
TT2 TebowTim Tebow (Pink Presmatic) 0 0
TT1 TrammellTaylor Trammell (Black Prismatic) 0 0
KL1 LewisKyle Lewis 0 0
CWH Chih-Wei-HUChih-Wei-HU (Blue Prismatic) 0 0
AB1 BregmanAlex Bregman (Gold Super Prismatic 1/1) 0 0
KT1 TuckerKyle Tucker 0 0
DSI SwansonDansby Swanson (Auto.-Pink Prismatic) 0 0
WS1 SmithWill Smith (Green Prismatic) 0 0
TT1 TrammellTaylor Trammell (Pink Presmatic) 0 0
KL1 LewisKyle Lewis (Green Prismatic) 0 0