2013 Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2013 Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Heritage Real One Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Red Ink, Base

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
SD DiamondScott Diamond 0 0
CD DeesCharlie Dees (Red Ink) 0 0
BG GibsonBob Gibson (Red Ink) 1 1
HB BrownHal Brown 0 0
DG GroatDick Groat 0 0
AG GoseAnthony Gose 0 0
BP PierceBilly Pierce 1 0
BD DaileyBill Dailey 0 0
JW WalkerJerry Walker (Red Ink) 0 0
BJ JacksonBrett Jackson (Red Ink) 0 0
YG GrandalYasmani Grandal (Red Ink) 0 0
SM MillerShelby Miller 0 0
HA AaronHank Aaron 0 1
MM MachadoManny Machado 1 0
JB BautistaJose Bautista (Red Ink) 0 0
DR RufDarin Ruf 0 0
BM MaurerBrandon Maurer (Red Ink) 0 0
AH HicksAaron Hicks (Red Ink) 0 0
MT TrumboMark Trumbo (Red Ink) 0 0
BS ShantzBobby Shantz (Red Ink) 0 0
MMI MinosoMinnie Minoso (Red Ink) 0 1
KG GausmanKevin Gausman 0 0
TB BowsfieldTed Bowsfield 0 0
GC ColeGerrit Cole 0 0
AR RendonAnthony Rendon 0 0 Buy
JB Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Red Ink) 0 0
EB BanksErnie Banks (Red Ink) 0 0
BR RichardsonBobby Richardson (Red Ink) 0 0
MW WillsMaury Wills (Red Ink) 0 0
DP PfisterDan Pfister 0 0
MO OzunaMarcell Ozuna (Red Ink) 0 0
KM MacKenzieKen MacKenzie (Red Ink) 0 0
EG GattisEvan Gattis (Red Ink) 0 0 Buy
TBR BrownTom Brown 0 0
GC ConleyGene Conley (Red Ink) 0 0
DG GregoriusDidi Gregorius (Red Ink) 0 0
JC CampbellJim Campbell (Red Ink) 0 0
CA ArcherChris Archer 0 0
NF FranklinNick Franklin (Red Ink) 0 0
PB BrownPaul Brown 0 0
AHE HechavarriaAdeiny Hechavarria (Red Ink) 0 0
LL LynnLance Lynn (Red Ink) 0 0
FF FunkFrank Funk (Red Ink) 0 0
AM MoranAl Moran (Red Ink) 0 0
TC CingraniTony Cingrani 0 0 Buy
JG GorylJohn Goryl 0 0
NA ArenadoNolan Arenado (Red Ink) 1 0 Buy
JH HookJay Hook 0 0
CB BouldinCarl Bouldin 0 0
PF FoytackPaul Foytack 0 0
JM MarichalJuan Marichal (Red Ink) 0 1
BL LillisBob Lillis 0 0
MJ JoyceMike Joyce 0 0
JL LongJeoff Long 0 0
AS SanchezAnibal Sanchez 0 0
TF FrazierTodd Frazier (Red Ink) 0 0
SMA MarteStarling Marte 0 0
JF FernandezJose Fernandez 0 0
MM MorseMike Morse (Red Ink) 0 0
CK KellyCasey Kelly 0 0
PGR GreenPumpsie Green 0 0
AE EatonAdam Eaton (Red Ink) 0 0
HF FoilesHank Foiles (Red Ink) 0 0
MJ JoyceMike Joyce (Red Ink) 0 0
JP ProfarJurickson Profar 0 0
ASA SamuelAmado Samuel (Red Ink) 0 0
TH HarknessTim Harkness (Red Ink) 0 0
JSP SpringJack Spring 0 0
DL LeppertDon Leppert 0 0
MR RoarkeMike Roarke 0 0
HR RyuHyun-Jin Ryu 0 0
FR RobinsonFrank Robinson (Red Ink) 0 0
CM MaxwellCharlie Maxwell 0 0
PR RodriguezPaco Rodriguez (Red Ink) 0 0
EBU BurtonEllis Burton (Red Ink) 0 0
OC CepedaOrlando Cepeda 0 1
JSH ShieldsJames Shields 0 0
BF FischerBill Fischer 0 0
WMI MiddlebrooksWill Middlebrooks 0 0
BG GibsonBob Gibson 0 0
JB BautistaJose Bautista 0 0
CD DeesCharlie Dees 0 0
MT TrumboMark Trumbo 0 0
EB BanksErnie Banks 0 1
GH HobbieGlen Hobbie (Red Ink) 0 0
DF FreeseDavid Freese (Red Ink) 0 0
RM MejiasRoman Mejias (Red Ink) 0 0
PG GoldschmidtPaul Goldschmidt (Red Ink) 0 0
AS SanchezAnibal Sanchez (Red Ink) 0 0
JW WalkerJerry Walker 0 0
BJ JacksonBrett Jackson 0 0
YG GrandalYasmani Grandal 0 0
SD DiamondScott Diamond (Red Ink) 0 0
BD DaileyBill Dailey (Red Ink) 0 0
JG GyorkoJedd Gyorko 0 0
HR RyuHyun-Jin Ryu (Red Ink) 0 0
DG GroatDick Groat (Red Ink) 0 0
ZW WheelerZack Wheeler 0 0
AG GoseAnthony Gose (Red Ink) 0 0
DF FreeseDavid Freese 0 0
MMI MinosoMinnie Minoso 0 1
KF FujikawaKyuji Fujikawa 0 0
BM MaurerBrandon Maurer 0 0
SM MusialStan Musial 0 0
HA AaronHank Aaron (Red Ink) 0 1
MM MachadoManny Machado (Red Ink) 0 0
JB Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. 0 0
DR RufDarin Ruf (Red Ink) 0 0
BR RichardsonBobby Richardson 0 0
MW WillsMaury Wills 0 0
DG GregoriusDidi Gregorius 0 0
LT TiantLuis Tiant 0 0
KM MacKenzieKen MacKenzie 0 0
EG GattisEvan Gattis 0 0
TB BowsfieldTed Bowsfield (Red Ink) 0 0
GC ConleyGene Conley 0 0
WM MyersWil Myers (Red Ink) 0 0
JC CampbellJim Campbell 0 0
BS ShantzBobby Shantz 0 0
NF FranklinNick Franklin 0 0
PB BrownPaul Brown (Red Ink) 0 0
MO OzunaMarcell Ozuna 0 0
LL LynnLance Lynn 0 0
FF FunkFrank Funk 0 0
AM MoranAl Moran 0 0
TBR BrownTom Brown (Red Ink) 0 0
GC ColeGerrit Cole (Red Ink) 0 0
WM MaysWillie Mays 0 1
JF FernandezJose Fernandez (Red Ink) 0 0
CA ArcherChris Archer (Red Ink) 0 0
OC CepedaOrlando Cepeda (Red Ink) 0 0
JM MarichalJuan Marichal 0 1
AHE HechavarriaAdeiny Hechavarria 0 0
LT TiantLuis Tiant (Red Ink) 0 0
FR RobinsonFrank Robinson 0 0
AR RendonAnthony Rendon (Red Ink) 0 0
TF FrazierTodd Frazier 0 0
JG GorylJohn Goryl (Red Ink) 0 0
SM MusialStan Musial (Red Ink) 0 1
JH HookJay Hook (Red Ink) 0 0
CB BouldinCarl Bouldin (Red Ink) 0 0
PF FoytackPaul Foytack (Red Ink) 0 0
AE EatonAdam Eaton 0 0
BL LillisBob Lillis (Red Ink) 0 0
MM MorseMike Morse 0 0
JL LongJeoff Long (Red Ink) 0 0
ASA SamuelAmado Samuel 0 0
TH HarknessTim Harkness 0 0
SMA MarteStarling Marte (Red Ink) 0 0
KG GausmanKevin Gausman (Red Ink) 0 0
MOL OltMike Olt 0 0
CK KellyCasey Kelly (Red Ink) 0 0
PGR GreenPumpsie Green (Red Ink) 0 0
EBU BurtonEllis Burton 0 0
HF FoilesHank Foiles 0 0
HB BrownHal Brown (Red Ink) 0 0
JP ProfarJurickson Profar (Red Ink) 0 0
BBU BuxtonByron Buxton 0 0
WM MyersWil Myers 0 0
JSP SpringJack Spring (Red Ink) 0 0
BP PierceBilly Pierce (Red Ink) 0 0
DL LeppertDon Leppert (Red Ink) 0 0
MR RoarkeMike Roarke (Red Ink) 0 0
NA ArenadoNolan Arenado 0 0
GH HobbieGlen Hobbie 0 0
CM MaxwellCharlie Maxwell (Red Ink) 0 0
RM MejiasRoman Mejias 0 0
PG GoldschmidtPaul Goldschmidt 0 0
DP PfisterDan Pfister (Red Ink) 0 0
JSH ShieldsJames Shields (Red Ink) 0 0
BF FischerBill Fischer (Red Ink) 0 0
WMI MiddlebrooksWill Middlebrooks (Red Ink) 0 0