2012 Bowman Prospects Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2012 Bowman Prospects Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Bowman Prospects
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Chrome, Chrome-Autograph, Chrome-Blue Refractor, Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor, Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph, Chrome-Gold Refractor, Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph, Chrome-Purple Refractor, Chrome-Red Refractor, Chrome-Refractor-Autograph, Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph, Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph, Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph, Chrome-Red Wave Refractor, Chrome-Refractor, Chrome-Refractor-Autograph, Chrome-Superfractor-Autograph 1/1, Red 1/1, Red Ice, Silver Ice, Orange, International, Blue, Purple

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
BCP106 CollinsTyler Collins (Chrome-Superfractor-Autograph 1/1) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP42 CrabbeTim Crabbe (International) 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome) 0 0
BP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP74 ArceEric Arce (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0 Buy
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome) 0 0
BCP52 GreenDean Green (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Purple) 1 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP43 DavisRookie Davis (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP31 MarondeNick Maronde (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP31 MarondeNick Maronde (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP80 PurkeMatt Purke (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP1 NicolinoJustin Nicolino 0 0
BP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP97 SusacAndrew Susac (Chrome) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP97 SusacAndrew Susac (International) 0 0
BCP62 CarterKes Carter (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BP68 MalmJeff Malm (International) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper 1 0 Buy
BP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP100 JosephTommy Joseph (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Orange) 0 0
BP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Blue) 0 0 Buy
BCP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP53 HaertherCasey Haerther (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome) 1 0
BCP89 HedgesAustin Hedges (Chrome) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (International) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP34 SzczurMatthew Szczur (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BP86 ColeGerrit Cole (International) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
BCP80 PurkeMatt Purke (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP103 HutchisonDrew Hutchison (Chrome) 0 0
BP17 AustinTyler Austin 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Orange) 1 0
BCP97 SusacAndrew Susac (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BP98 BirdGreg Bird (Blue) 0 0
BCP64 CabreraEdwar Cabrera (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP89 HedgesAustin Hedges (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP76 GacIan Gac (International) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Purple) 0 0
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BP1 NicolinoJustin Nicolino (International) 0 0
BCP15 CamposJose Campos (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Silver Ice) 0 0 Buy
BP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Orange) 0 0
BCP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP58 CuthbertCheslor Cuthbert (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Red 1/1) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Purple) 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP35 EthierDevon Ethier (Chrome) 0 0
BCP42 CrabbeTim Crabbe (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP83 AndersonJacob Anderson (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome) 0 0
BP17 AustinTyler Austin (Purple) 0 0
BCP21 OsunaJose Osuna (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Print Plate Cyan 1/1) 0 0
BCP97 SusacAndrew Susac (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome) 1 0
BP98 BirdGreg Bird (Purple) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP58 CuthbertCheslor Cuthbert (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0 Buy
BCP89 HedgesAustin Hedges (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (International) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Silver Ice Red) 1 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Blue) 0 0
BCP17 AustinTyler Austin (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP89 HedgesAustin Hedges 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Superfractor-Autograph 1/1) 0 0
BCP38 GonzalesMichael Gonzales (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP63 McinnisTodd Mcinnis (Chrome-Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
BCP83 AndersonJacob Anderson (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP100 JosephTommy Joseph (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP17 AustinTyler Austin (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP97 SusacAndrew Susac (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP4 FreimanNathan Freiman (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BP98 BirdGreg Bird (Silver Ice) 0 0
BP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor 1 0 Buy
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome) 0 0
BCP58 CuthbertCheslor Cuthbert (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP79 BellJosh Bell 0 0
BCP89 HedgesAustin Hedges (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP103 HutchisonDrew Hutchison (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Orange) 0 0
BCP17 AustinTyler Austin (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP106 CollinsTyler Collins 0 0
BCP93 JacobsBrandon Jacobs (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP6 PerioNoah Perio (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP100 JosephTommy Joseph 0 0
BCP68 MalmJeff Malm (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Blue) 0 0 Buy
BP91 HowardDillon Howard (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP106 CollinsTyler Collins (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP41 WaltersZach Walters (Chrome) 0 0
BCP71 BertiJonathon Berti (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP100 JosephTommy Joseph (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Refractor Autograph) 0 0
BP18 DruryBrandon Drury (International) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP1 NicolinoJustin Nicolino (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (International) 0 0
BCP93 JacobsBrandon Jacobs (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts 1 0
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP59 CorcinoDaniel Corcino (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP91 HowardDillon Howard (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP79 BellJosh Bell (Blue) 0 0
BCP50 SmithBrennan Smith (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP103 HutchisonDrew Hutchison (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP24 GrahamJ.R. Graham (Chrome) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Silver Ice) 0 0 Buy
BCP19 JonesRichard Jones (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP8 KinghamNick Kingham (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons 0 0
BP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Blue) 0 0
BCP70 HerediaLuis Heredia (Chrome) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BP93 JacobsBrandon Jacobs (Orange) 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 1 0 Buy
BP47 PenaAriel Pena (International) 0 0
BCP43 DavisRookie Davis (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP101 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP1 NicolinoJustin Nicolino (Chrome) 0 0
BP26 StaleyJoseph Staley (International) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP6 PerioNoah Perio (Orange) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Blue) 0 0
BCP94 TilsonCharlie Tilson (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 1 0 Buy
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP62 CarterKes Carter (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP91 HowardDillon Howard (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP17 AustinTyler Austin (Chrome) 0 0
BP79 BellJosh Bell (Purple) 0 0
BCP83 AndersonJacob Anderson (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP103 HutchisonDrew Hutchison (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP28 EdginJosh Edgin (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0 Buy
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BP41 WaltersZach Walters 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Superfractor-Autograph 1/1) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. 0 0
BP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. 0 0
BP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Orange) 0 0
BCP72 BlashJabari Blash (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP54 LawrenceCasey Lawrence (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP43 DavisRookie Davis (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Red 1/1) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP62 CarterKes Carter (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP9 RosarioEddie Rosario 1 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (International) 0 0
BP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP94 TilsonCharlie Tilson (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (International) 1 0 Buy
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP62 CarterKes Carter (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome) 0 0
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon 1 0 Buy
BP81 WhitetonTaylor Whiteton (International) 0 0
BCP84 BrickhouseBryan Brickhouse (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP29 CouchKeith Couch (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Blue) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome) 1 0 Buy
BP41 WaltersZach Walters (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP73 SwannerWill Swanner (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP52 GreenDean Green (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Superfractor-Autograph 1/1) 1 0
BP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Blue) 0 0
BCP43 DavisRookie Davis (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP31 MarondeNick Maronde (Chrome-Superfractor-Autograph 1/1) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP31 MarondeNick Maronde (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Blue) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP80 PurkeMatt Purke (Chrome) 0 0
BP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (International) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Purple) 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP94 TilsonCharlie Tilson (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome) 1 0 Buy
BP97 SusacAndrew Susac (Blue) 0 0
BCP62 CarterKes Carter (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen 0 0
BCP85 MichaelLevi Michael (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BP67 SantanderAnthony Santander (Orange) 0 0
BCP43 DavisRookie Davis (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome) 1 0
BP44 DuvallAdam Duvall 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP100 JosephTommy Joseph (Chrome) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Purple) 0 0
BP103 HutchisonDrew Hutchison (Blue) 0 0
BCP74 ArceEric Arce (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP53 HaertherCasey Haerther (Chrome) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome) 1 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP31 MarondeNick Maronde (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome) 0 0
BCP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP80 PurkeMatt Purke (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP15 CamposJose Campos 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP97 SusacAndrew Susac (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP86 ColeGerrit Cole 1 0 Buy
BP98 BirdGreg Bird 0 0
BCP62 CarterKes Carter (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Blue) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Autograph) 1 0
BP71 BertiJonathon Berti (Orange) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Orange) 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP100 JosephTommy Joseph (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP15 CamposJose Campos (Chrome) 0 0
BP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Red Ice) 0 0
BP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (International) 0 0
BCP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP56 SimonKyle Simon (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP89 HedgesAustin Hedges (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome-Refractor) 1 0
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Orange) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP34 SzczurMatthew Szczur (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP28 EdginJosh Edgin (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP82 DiazDayan Diaz (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome) 0 0
BP17 AustinTyler Austin (Blue) 0 0
BCP21 OsunaJose Osuna (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Print Plate Black 1/1) 0 0
BCP97 SusacAndrew Susac (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Autograph) 1 0
BP98 BirdGreg Bird (Orange) 0 0
BCP64 CabreraEdwar Cabrera (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP89 HedgesAustin Hedges (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Blue) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Autograph) 1 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 1 0
BP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome) 0 0
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP2 RichardMyrio Richard (International) 0 0
BCP17 AustinTyler Austin (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Purple) 0 0
BCP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP58 CuthbertCheslor Cuthbert (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP58 CuthbertCheslor Cuthbert (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome) 1 0 Buy
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP38 GonzalesMichael Gonzales (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP63 McinnisTodd Mcinnis (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP83 AndersonJacob Anderson (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP23 MarisnickJake Marisnick (Chrome) 0 0
BP17 AustinTyler Austin (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Print Plate Magenta 1/1) 0 0
BCP97 SusacAndrew Susac (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP4 FreimanNathan Freiman (Chrome) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 1 0
BP98 BirdGreg Bird (Red Ice) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP58 CuthbertCheslor Cuthbert (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP89 HedgesAustin Hedges (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome) 1 0 Buy
BP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Orange) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (International) 0 0
BCP17 AustinTyler Austin (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP93 JacobsBrandon Jacobs (Chrome) 0 0
BP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP89 HedgesAustin Hedges (Orange) 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP106 CollinsTyler Collins (Chrome) 0 0
BCP40 HoilmanPaul Hoilman (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP71 BertiJonathon Berti (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP100 JosephTommy Joseph (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Autograph) 1 0
BP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Blue) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BP10 HarperBryce Harper (Silver Ice) 1 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP5 JimenezA.J. Jimenez (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Blue) 0 0
BCP93 JacobsBrandon Jacobs (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Red Ice) 0 0 Buy
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP59 CorcinoDaniel Corcino (Chrome) 0 0
BP104 PedersonJoc Pederson 1 0
BCP90 PriceRobby Price (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0 Buy
BP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP103 HutchisonDrew Hutchison (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP23 MarisnickJake Marisnick (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Blue) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Purple) 0 0
BCP17 AustinTyler Austin (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP8 KinghamNick Kingham (Chrome) 0 0
BP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Silver Ice Red) 0 0
BP102 TaverasOscar Taveras 0 0
BCP69 GalvezJonathan Galvez (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (International) 0 0
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BP44 DuvallAdam Duvall (International) 0 0
BCP41 WaltersZach Walters (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP80 PurkeMatt Purke (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 0 0
BCP101 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez 0 0 Buy
BP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP1 NicolinoJustin Nicolino (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BP4 FreimanNathan Freiman 0 0
BCP19 JonesRichard Jones (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Orange) 0 0
BCP93 JacobsBrandon Jacobs (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP59 CorcinoDaniel Corcino (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP91 HowardDillon Howard (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP66 Bradley Jr.Jackie Bradley Jr. (Purple) 0 0
BP79 BellJosh Bell (International) 0 0
BCP52 GreenDean Green (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP83 AndersonJacob Anderson (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0 Buy
BCP103 HutchisonDrew Hutchison (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP25 AlcantaraRaul Alcantara (Chrome-Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP75 MaplesDillon Maples (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome) 0 0
BP103 HutchisonDrew Hutchison 0 0
BP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (International) 0 0
BCP70 HerediaLuis Heredia (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 1 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 1 0 Buy
BCP87 HultzenDanny Hultzen (Chrome-Red Refractor) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP52 GreenDean Green (International) 0 0
BCP43 DavisRookie Davis (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP101 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP101 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Chrome-Red Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Autograph) 1 0
BP29 CouchKeith Couch (International) 0 0
BP7 CardonaAdonys Cardona (International) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP109 SimmonsAndrelton Simmons (Orange) 0 0
BCP94 TilsonCharlie Tilson (Chrome-Blue Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome) 0 0 Buy
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP62 CarterKes Carter (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP92 DelmonicoNick Delmonico (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP106 CollinsTyler Collins (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0 Buy
BCP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BP79 BellJosh Bell (Silver Ice) 0 0
BCP84 BrickhouseBryan Brickhouse (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP98 BirdGreg Bird (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 0 0
BCP28 EdginJosh Edgin (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP86 ColeGerrit Cole (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos (Purple) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Blue Refractor) 1 0
BP41 WaltersZach Walters (International) 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP3 LindorFrancisco Lindor (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP18 DruryBrandon Drury (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Purple) 0 0
BCP72 BlashJabari Blash (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome-Gold Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP108 MartinezCarlos Martinez (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BCP99 Bichette Jr.Dante Bichette Jr. (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Silver Ice Red) 0 0
BP59 CorcinoDaniel Corcino (Print Plates Magenta 1/1) 0 0
BCP43 DavisRookie Davis (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP63 McinnisTodd Mcinnis (International) 0 0
BCP102 TaverasOscar Taveras (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor) 0 0
BP78 CastellanosNick Castellanos 0 0
BCP77 HolmesClay Holmes (Chrome-Purple Refractor Autograph) 0 0
BCP79 BellJosh Bell (Chrome-Refractor) 0 0
BP9 RosarioEddie Rosario (Blue) 0 0
BCP20 CandelarioJeimer Candelario (Chrome-Orange Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Orange) 0 0
BP110 NorrisDaniel Norris 0 0
BCP94 TilsonCharlie Tilson (Chrome-Gold Refractor) 0 0
BCP105 BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Chrome) 1 0 Buy
BCP110 NorrisDaniel Norris (Chrome-Purple Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BP97 SusacAndrew Susac 0 0
BCP62 CarterKes Carter (Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor-Autograph) 0 0
BCP107 RossJoe Ross (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0
BCP10 HarperBryce Harper (Chrome-Purple Refractor) 1 0
BP83 AndersonJacob Anderson (Orange) 0 0
BCP84 BrickhouseBryan Brickhouse (Chrome-Red Wave Refractor) 0 0
BCP88 RendonAnthony Rendon (Chrome-Autograph) 1 0 Buy
BCP104 PedersonJoc Pederson (Chrome-Orange Refractor) 0 0
BCP31 MarondeNick Maronde (Chrome-Autograph) 0 0