2011 In the Game Heroes and Prospects Heroes Autograph Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2011 In the Game Heroes and Prospects Heroes Autograph Baseball Card Set

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In the Game Heroes and Prospects Heroes Autograph
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
HA-BG GibsonBob Gibson 0 1
HA-DM MattinglyDon Mattingly 0 0
HA-LB BrockLou Brock 0 1
HA-SMU MusialStan Musial 0 1
HA-TS2 SeaverTom Seaver 0 1
HA-AD DawsonAndre Dawson 0 1
HA-CF2 FiskCarlton Fisk 0 1
HA-FJ JenkinsFerguson Jenkins 0 1
HA-NR RyanNolan Ryan 0 1
HA-DW WinfieldDave Winfield 0 1