2009 Upper Deck Goudey Goudey Graphs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2009 Upper Deck Goudey Goudey Graphs Baseball Card Set

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Upper Deck Goudey Goudey Graphs
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
GG-RS SantoRon Santo 0 0
GG-BR RobinsonBrooks Robinson 0 1
GG-JP ParrJames Parr 0 0
GG-DP PriceDavid Price 0 0
GG-BM McCannBrian McCann 0 0
GG-SI SmithGreg Smith 0 0
GG-EL LongoriaEvan Longoria 0 0
GG-KK KA'AihueKila KA'Aihue 0 0
GG-AG GonzalezAdrian Gonzalez 0 0
GG-TR RainesTim Raines 0 0
GG-FI FigginsChone Figgins 0 0
GG-KY YoukilisKevin Youkilis 0 0
GG-BE BeckettJosh Beckett 0 0
GG-VM MartinezVictor Martinez 0 0
GG-MA AntonelliMatt Antonelli 0 0
GG-GS SizemoreGrady Sizemore 0 0
GG-BP PhillipsBrandon Phillips 0 0
GG-YG GallardoYovani Gallardo 0 0
GG-MG GamelMat Gamel 0 0
GG-IK KennedyIan Kennedy 0 0
GG-BY ByrdMarlon Byrd 0 0
GG-MT TuiasosopoMatt Tuiasosopo 0 0
GG-JC CarterJoe Carter 0 0
GG-CK KershawClayton Kershaw 0 0
GG-CG GillaspieConor Gillaspie 0 0
GG-PE PedroiaDustin Pedroia 0 0
GG-JG GuthrieJeremy Guthrie 0 0
GG-MS ScherzerMax Scherzer 0 0
GG-CL LeeCarlos Lee 0 0
GG-RF FingersRollie Fingers 0 0
GG-GP PerryGaylord Perry 0 1
GG-DJ JeterDerek Jeter 0 0
GG-KG Griffey Jr.Ken Griffey Jr. 0 1
GG-SD DrewStephen Drew 0 0
GG-JU MastersonJustin Masterson 0 0
GG-EE EncarnacionEdwin Encarnacion 0 0
GG-CU CuetoJohnny Cueto 0 0
GG-TG GlavineTom Glavine 0 0
GG-FC CervelliFrancisco Cervelli 0 0
GG-KS ShoppachKelly Shoppach 0 0
GG-AV AvilesMike Aviles 0 0
GG-TT TulowitzkiTroy Tulowitzki 0 0
GG-GA AtkinsGarrett Atkins 0 0
GG-LM MarsonLou Marson 0 0
GG-BH HallBill Hall 0 0
GG-WL LeblancWade Leblanc 0 0
GG-MB BowdenMichael Bowden 0 0
GG-HR RamirezHanley Ramirez 0 0
GG-BU UptonB.J. Upton 0 0
GG-MM MonteroMiguel Montero 0 0
GG-JB BaisleyJeff Baisley 0 0
GG-CF FiskCarlton Fisk 0 0
GG-PC CokePhil Coke 0 0
GG-JF FrancoeurJeff Francoeur 0 0
GG-RH HalladayRoy Halladay 0 0
GG-CH HamelsCole Hamels 0 0
GG-PF FielderPrince Fielder 0 0
GG-ED MartinezEdgar Martinez 0 1
GG-DF FowlerDexter Fowler 0 0