2009 SP Legendary Cuts Cut Signatures Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2009 SP Legendary Cuts Cut Signatures Baseball Card Set

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SP Legendary Cuts Cut Signatures
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
LC225 FlickElmer Flick 0 1
LC287 CallisonJohnny Callison 0 0
LC144 RuppertJacob Ruppert 0 0
LC315 WagnerHonus Wagner 0 1
LC304 HubbellCarl Hubbell 0 1
LC151 LindstromFreddie Lindstrom 0 1
LC2 VaughanArky Vaughan 0 1
LC314 PennockHerb Pennock 0 1
LC159 FoxNellie Fox 0 1
LC36 SmithHilton Smith 0 1
LC58 ChylakNestor Chylak 0 1
LC184 HarridgeWilliam Harridge 0 1
LC-70 SouthworthBilly Southworth 0 1
LC6 BergerWally Berger 0 0
LC237 KuennHarvey Kuenn 0 0
LC105 DickeyBill Dickey 0 1
LC254 HarderMel Harder 0 0
LC112 CarayHarry Caray 0 0
LC275 O'MalleyWalter O'Malley 0 0
LC306 DeanDizzy Dean 0 1
LC126 HutchinsonFred Hutchinson 0 0
LC285 WalkerHarry Walker 0 0
LC91 OttMel Ott 0 1
LC138 BakerFrank Baker 0 1
LC109 StaffordBill Stafford 0 0
LC289 BoudreauLou Boudreau 0 1
LC149 DobyLarry Doby 0 1
LC100 WeissGeorge Weiss 0 1
LC311 SlaughterEnos Slaughter 0 1
LC152 HornsbyRoger Hornsby 0 1
LC3 BancroftDave Bancroft 0 1
LC93 CuylerKiki Cuyler 0 1
LC183 AlstonWalter Alston 0 1
LC64 RoseboroJohn Roseboro 0 0
LC172 SimmonsAl Simmons 0 1
LC234 BorowyHank Borowy 0 0
LC92 BottomleyJim Bottomley 0 1
LC249 LabineClem Labine 0 0
LC111 VeeckBill Veeck 0 1
LC260 DandridgeRay Dandridge 0 1
LC-114 MackConnie Mack 0 1
LC284 WilhelmHoyt Wilhelm 0 1
LC317 FoxxJimmie Foxx 0 1
LC132 GriffithClark Griffith 0 1