2001 Bowman Draft Picks Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2001 Bowman Draft Picks Autographs Baseball Card Set

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Bowman Draft Picks Autographs
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
BS SmithBud Smith 0 0
ROC CarvajalRamon Carvajal 0 0
SS SeabolScott Seabol 0 0
CP ParraChristian Parra 0 0
JMW WayneJustin Wayne 0 0
FL LopezFelipe Lopez 0 0
AA AmezagaAlfredo Amezaga 0 0
GJ JohnsonGary Johnson 0 0
AE EverettAdam Everett 0 0
JK KennedyJoe Kennedy 0 0
AG GomezAlexis Gomez 0 0
JP PineiroJoel Pineiro 0 0
AK KearnsAustin Kearns 0 0
NJ JohnsonNick Johnson 0 0
BB BradleyBobby Bradley 0 0
RC ChurchRyan Church 0 0
BJS SpechtBrian Specht 0 0
RL LudwickRyan Ludwick 0 0
RMM MadsonRyan Madson 0 0
CI IzturisCesar Izturis 0 0
BP PhillipsBrandon Phillips 0 0
ER RogersEd Rogers 0 0
CG GuerreroCristian Guerrero 0 0
SH HeardScott Heard 0 0
GA AtkinsGarrett Atkins 0 0
AC CintronAlex Cintron 0 0
JA AbruzzoJared Abruzzo 0 0
TO OhkaTomo Ohka 0 0
AF FernandezAlex Fernandez 0 0
JL LackeyJohn Lackey 0 0
AH HerrAaron Herr 0 0
JT TorresJoe Torres 0 0
ANC CameronAntoine Cameron 0 0
NR RegilioNick Regilio 0 0
BH HaleBeau Hale 0 0
RD DittfurthRyan Dittfurth 0 0
RO OswaltRoy Oswalt 1 0
24 StodolkaMike Stodolka 0 0