1988 Score Young Superstar Series 1 Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1988 Score Young Superstar Series 1 Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Score Young Superstar Series 1
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Card Size:
2-1/2 x 3-1/2
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 McGwireMark McGwire 0 0 Buy
2 SantiagoBenito Santiago 0 0
3 HornSam Horn 0 0
4 BosioChris Bosio 0 0
5 NokesMatt Nokes 0 0
6 WilliamsKen Williams 0 0
7 JamesDion James 0 0
8 SurhoffB.J. Surhoff 0 0
9 MargraneJoe Margrane 0 0
10 SeitzerKevin Seitzer 0 0
11 JeffersonStanley Jefferson 0 0
12 WhiteDevon White 0 0
13 LirianoNelson Liriano 0 0
14 JamesChris James 0 0
15 HennemanMike Henneman 0 0
16 SteinbachTerry Steinbach 0 0
17 KrukJohn Kruk 0 0
18 WilliamsMatt Williams 0 0
19 DownsKelly Downs 0 0
20 RipkenBill Ripken 0 0
21 GuillenOzzie Guillen 0 0
22 PoloniaLuis Polonia 0 0
23 MagadanDave Magadan 0 0
24 GreenwellMike Greenwell 0 0
25 ClarkWill Clark 0 0
26 DunneMike Dunne 0 0
27 JoynerWally Joyner 0 0
28 ThompsonRobby Thompson 0 0
29 CaminitiKen Caminiti 0 0
30 CansecoJose Canseco 0 0 Buy
31 BenzingerTodd Benzinger 0 0
32 IncavigliaPete Incaviglia 0 0
33 FerrellJohn Ferrell 0 0
34 CandaeleCasey Candaele 0 0
35 AldreteMike Aldrete 0 0
36 SierraRuben Sierra 0 0
37 BurksEllis Burks 0 0
38 JonesTracy Jones 0 0
39 DanielsKal Daniels 0 0
40 SnyderCory Snyder 0 0