1983 Topps '52 Reprint Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1983 Topps '52 Reprint Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps '52 Reprint
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 PafkoAndy Pafko 0 0 Buy
2 RunnelsPete Runnels 0 0
2 RunnelsPete Runnels 0 0
3 ThompsonHank Thompson 0 0
4 LenhardtDon Lenhardt 0 0
5 JansenLarry Jansen 0 0
6 HattonGrady Hatton 0 0
7 TerwilligerWayne Terwilliger 0 0
8 MarshFred Marsh 0 0
9 HogueBobby Hogue 0 0
10 RosenAl Rosen 0 0
11 RizzutoPhil Rizzuto 0 1
12 BasgallMonty Basgall 0 0
13 WyrostekJohnny Wyrostek 0 0
14 ElliottBob Elliott 0 0
15 PeskyJohnny Pesky 0 0
15 PeskyJohn Pesky 0 0
16 HermanskiGene Hermanski 0 0
17 HeganJim Hegan 0 0
18 CombsMerrill Combs 0 0
19 BuchaJohnny Bucha 0 0
21 FainFerris Fain 0 0
23 GoodmanBilly Goodman 0 0
24 EasterLuke Easter 0 0
25 GrothJohnny Groth 0 0
26 IrvinMonte Irvin 0 1
26 IrvinMonty Irvin 0 0
27 JethroeSam Jethroe 0 0
28 PriddyJerry Priddy 0 0
29 KluszewskiTed Kluszewski 0 0
30 ParnellMel Parnell 0 0
31 ZernialGus Zernial 0 0
32 RobinsonEddie Robinson 0 0
33 SpahnWarren Spahn 0 1
34 ValoElmer Valo 0 0
35 SauerHenry Sauer 0 0
36 HodgesGil Hodges 0 1
37 SniderDuke Snider 0 0 Buy
38 WestlakeWally Westlake 1 0
39 TroutDizzy Trout 0 0
40 NorenIrv Noren 0 0
41 WellmanBob Wellman 0 0
42 KretlowLou Kretlow 0 0
43 ScarboroughRay Scarborough 0 0
44 DempseyCon Dempsey 0 0
45 JoostEddie Joost 0 0
46 GoldsberryGordon Goldsberry 0 0
47 JonesWillie Jones 0 0
48 PageJoe Page 0 0
49 SainJohnny Sain 0 0
50 RickertMarv Rickert 0 0
51 RussellJim Russell 0 0
52 MuellerDon Mueller 0 0
53 Van CuykChris Van Cuyk 0 0
54 KielyLeo Kiely 0 0
55 BooneRay Boone 0 0
56 GlavianoTommy Glaviano 0 0
57 LopatEd Lopat 0 0
58 MahoneyBob Mahoney 0 0
59 RobertsRobin Roberts 0 1
60 HudsonSid Hudson 0 0
61 GilbertTookie Gilbert 0 0
62 StobbsChuck Stobbs 0 0
63 PolletHowie Pollet 0 0
64 SieversRoy Sievers 0 0
65 SlaughterEnos Slaughter 0 1
66 RoePreacher Roe 0 0
67 ReynoldsAllie Reynolds 0 0
68 ChambersCliff Chambers 0 0
69 StallcupVirgil Stallcup 0 0
70 ZarillaAl Zarilla 0 0
71 UptonTom Upton 0 0
72 OlsonKarl Olson 0 0
73 WerleWilliam Werle 0 0
74 HansenAndy Hansen 0 0
75 WestrumWes Westrum 0 0
76 StankyEddie Stanky 0 0
77 KennedyBob Kennedy 0 0
78 KinderEllis Kinder 0 0
79 StaleyGerald Staley 0 0
80 WehmeierHerman Wehmeier 0 0
81 LawVernon Law 0 0
82 PilletteDuane Pillette 0 0
83 JohnsonBilly Johnson 0 0
84 StephensVern Stephens 0 0
85 KuzavaBob Kuzava 0 0
86 GrayTed Gray 0 0
87 CooganDale Coogan 0 0
88 FellerBob Feller 0 1
89 LiponJohnny Lipon 0 0
90 GrassoMickey Grasso 0 0
91 SchoendienstAl Schoendienst 0 0
92 MitchellDale Mitchell 1 0
93 SimaAl Sima 0 0
94 MeleSam Mele 0 0
95 HolcombeKen Holcombe 0 0
96 MarshallWillard Marshall 0 0
97 TorgesonEarl Torgeson 0 0
98 PierceBill Pierce 0 0
99 WoodlingGene Woodling 0 0
100 RiceDel Rice 0 0
101 LanierMax Lanier 0 0
102 KennedyBill Kennedy 0 0
103 MapesCliff Mapes 0 0
104 KollowayDon Kolloway 0 0
105 PramesaJohn Pramesa 0 0
106 VernonMickey Vernon 0 0
107 RyanConnie Ryan 0 0
108 KonstantyJim Konstanty 0 0
109 WilksTed Wilks 0 0
110 LeonardDutch Leonard 0 0
111 LowreyHarry Lowrey 0 0
112 MajeskiHenry Majeski 0 0
113 SislerDick Sisler 0 0
114 RamsdellWillard Ramsdell 0 0
115 MungerGeorge Munger 0 0
116 ScheibCarl Scheib 0 0
117 LollarSherman Lollar 0 0
118 RaffensbergerKen Raffensberger 0 0
119 McDermottMaurice McDermott 0 0
120 ChakalesBob Chakales 0 0
121 NiarhosGus Niarhos 0 0
122 JensenJack Jensen 0 0
123 YostEddie Yost 0 0
124 KennedyMonte Kennedy 0 0
125 RigneyBill Rigney 0 0
126 HutchinsonFred Hutchinson 0 0
127 MinnerPaul Minner 0 0
128 BollwegDon Bollweg 0 0
129 MizeJohnny Mize 0 1
130 JonesSheldon Jones 0 0
131 MartinMorrie Martin 0 0
132 KluttzClyde Kluttz 0 0
133 WidmarAl Widmar 0 0
134 TiptonJoe Tipton 0 0
135 HowellDixie Howell 0 0
136 SchmitzJohnny Schmitz 0 0
137 McMillanRoy McMillan 0 0
138 MacDonaldBill MacDonald 0 0
138 Mac DonaldBill Mac Donald 0 0
139 WoodKen Wood 0 0
140 AntonelliJohnny Antonelli 0 0
141 HartungClint Hartung 0 0
142 PerkowskiHarry Perkowski 0 0
143 MossLes Moss 0 0
144 BlakeEd Blake 0 0
145 HaynesJoe Haynes 0 0
146 HouseFrank House 0 0
147 YoungBob Young 0 0
148 KlippsteinJohnny Klippstein 0 0
149 KryhoskiDick Kryhoski 0 0
150 BeardTed Beard 0 0
151 PostWally Post 0 0
152 EvansAl Evans 0 0
153 RushBob Rush 0 0
154 MuirJoe Muir 0 0
155 OvermireFrank Overmire 0 0
156 HillerFrank Hiller 0 0
157 UsherBob Usher 0 0
158 WaitkusEddie Waitkus 0 0
160 FriendOwen Friend 0 0
161 ByerlyBud Byerly 0 0
162 CrandallDel Crandall 0 0
163 RojekStan Rojek 0 0
164 DubielWalt Dubiel 0 0
165 KazakEddie Kazak 0 0
166 LaPalmePaul LaPalme 0 0
166 LaPalmePaul LaPalme 0 0
167 HowertonBill Howerton 0 0
168 SilveraCharlie Silvera 0 0
168 SilveraCharlie Silvera 0 0
169 JudsonHowie Judson 0 0
170 BellGus Bell 0 0
171 ErauttEd Erautt 0 0
172 MiksisEddie Miksis 0 0
173 SmalleyRoy Smalley 0 0
174 MarshallClarence Marshall 0 0
175 MartinBilly Martin 0 0
176 EdwardsHank Edwards 0 0
177 WightBill Wight 0 0
178 MichaelsCass Michaels 0 0
179 SmithFrank Smith 0 0
180 MaxwellCharley Maxwell 0 0
181 SwiftBob Swift 0 0
182 HitchcockBilly Hitchcock 0 0
183 DusakErv Dusak 0 0
184 RamazzottiBob Ramazzotti 0 0
185 NicholsonBill Nicholson 0 0
186 MastersonWalt Masterson 0 0
187 MillerBob Miller 0 0
188 PodbielanBud Podbielan 0 0
189 ReiserPete Reiser 0 0
190 JohnsonDon Johnson 0 0
191 BerraYogi Berra 0 1
192 GinsbergMyron Ginsberg 0 0
193 SimpsonHarry Simpson 0 0
194 HattenJoe Hatten 0 0
195 MinosoMinnie Minoso 0 1
197 StricklandGeorge Strickland 0 0
198 HaugstadPhil Haugstad 0 0
199 ZuverinkGeorge Zuverink 0 0
200 HoukRalph Houk 0 0
201 KellnerAlex Kellner 0 0
202 CollinsJoe Collins 0 0
203 SimmonsCurt Simmons 0 0
204 NortheyRon Northey 0 0
205 KingClyde King 0 0
206 OstrowskiJoe Ostrowski 0 0 Buy
207 HarrisMickey Harris 0 0
208 StuartMarlin Stuart 0 0
209 FoxHowie Fox 0 0
210 FowlerDick Fowler 0 0
211 ColemanRay Coleman 0 0
212 GarverNed Garver 0 0
213 JonesNippy Jones 0 0
214 HoppJohnny Hopp 0 0
215 BauerHank Bauer 0 0
216 AshburnRichie Ashburn 0 1
217 StirnweissGeorge Stirnweiss 0 0
218 McCulloughClyde McCullough 0 0
219 ShantzBobby Shantz 0 0
220 PreskoJoe Presko 0 0
221 HamnerGranny Hamner 0 0
222 EversHoot Evers 0 0
223 EnnisDel Ennis 0 0
224 EdwardsBruce Edwards 0 0
225 BaumholtzFrank Baumholtz 0 0
226 PhilleyDave Philley 0 0
227 GaragiolaJoe Garagiola 0 0
228 BrazleAl Brazle 0 0
229 BeardonGene Beardon 0 0
230 BattsMatt Batts 0 0
231 ZoldakSam Zoldak 0 0
232 CoxBilly Cox 0 0
233 FriendBob Friend 0 0
234 SouchockSteve Souchock 0 0
235 DropoWalt Dropo 0 0
236 Fitz GeraldEd Fitz Gerald 0 0
237 ColemanJerry Coleman 0 0
238 HouttemanArt Houtteman 0 0
239 BridgesRocky Bridges 0 0
240 PhillipsJack Phillips 0 0
241 ByrneTommy Byrne 0 0
242 PoholskyTom Poholsky 0 0
243 DobyLarry Doby 0 1
244 WertzVic Wertz 0 0
245 RobertsonSherry Robertson 0 0
246 KellGeorge Kell 0 1 Buy
247 GumpertRandy Gumpert 0 0
248 SheaFrank Shea 0 0
249 AdamsBobby Adams 0 0
250 ErskineCarl Erskine 0 0
251 CarrasquelChico Carrasquel 0 0
252 BickfordVern Bickford 0 0
253 BerardinoJohnny Berardino 0 0
254 DobsonJoe Dobson 0 0
255 VollmerClyde Vollmer 0 0
256 SuderPete Suder 0 0
257 AvilaBobby Avila 0 0
258 GromekSteve Gromek 0 0
259 AddisBob Addis 0 0
260 CastiglionePete Castiglione 0 0
261 MaysWillie Mays 0 1 Buy
262 Virgil Trucks 0 0
263 BrecheenHarry Brecheen 0 0
264 HartsfieldRoy Hartsfield 0 0
265 DieringChuck Diering 0 0
266 DicksonMurry Dickson 0 0
267 GordonSid Gordon 0 0
268 LemonBob Lemon 0 0
269 NixonWillard Nixon 0 0
270 BrissieLou Brissie 1 0
271 DelsingJim Delsing 0 0
272 GarciaMike Garcia 1 0
273 PalicaErv Palica 0 0
274 BrancaRalph Branca 0 0
275 MullinPat Mullin 0 0
276 WilsonJim Wilson 0 0
277 WynnEarly Wynn 0 1
278 ClarkAl Clark 0 0
279 StewartEd Stewart 0 0
280 BoyerCloyd Boyer 0 0
281 BrownTommy Brown 0 0
282 TebbettsBirdie Tebbetts 0 0
283 MasiPhil Masi 0 0
284 ArftHank Arft 0 0
285 FanninCliff Fannin 0 0
286 DE MaestriJoe DE Maestri 0 0
287 BilkoSteve Bilko 0 0
288 NicholsChet Nichols 0 0
290 AstrothJoe Astroth 0 0
291 CoanGil Coan 0 0
292 BakerFloyd Baker 0 0
293 SistiSibby Sisti 0 0
294 CooperWalker Cooper 0 0
295 CavarrettaPhil Cavarretta 0 0
296 RolfeRed Rolfe 0 0
297 SeminickAndy Seminick 0 0
298 RossBob Ross 0 0
299 MurrayRay Murray 0 0
300 McCoskyBarney McCosky 0 0
301 PorterfieldBob Porterfield 0 0
302 SurkontMax Surkont 0 0
303 DorishHarry Dorish 0 0
304 DenteSam Dente 0 0
305 RichardsPaul Richards 0 0
306 SleaterLou Sleater 0 0
307 CamposFrank Campos 0 0
308 AlomaLuis Aloma 0 0
309 BusbyJim Busby 0 0
310 MetkovichGeorge Metkovich 0 0
311 MantleMickey Mantle 1 0 Buy
312 RobinsonJackie Robinson 0 0 Buy
313 ThomsonBobby Thomson 0 0
314 CampanellaRoy Campanella 0 0
315 DurocherLeo Durocher 0 1
316 WilliamsDavey Williams 0 0
317 MarreroConnie Marrero 0 0
318 GreggHal Gregg 0 0
319 WalkerAl Walker 0 0
320 RutherfordJohn Rutherford 0 0
320 RutherfordJohnny Rutherford 0 0
321 BlackJoe Black 0 0
322 JacksonRandy Jackson 0 0
323 ChurchBubba Church 0 0
324 HackerWarren Hacker 0 0
325 SerenaBill Serena 0 0
326 ShubaGeorge Shuba 0 0
327 WilsonArchie Wilson 0 0
328 BorkowskiBob Borkowski 0 0
329 DelockIvan Delock 0 0
329 DelockIke Delock 0 0
330 LownTurk Lown 0 0
331 MorganTom Morgan 0 0
332 BartiromeTony Bartirome 0 0
333 ReesePee Wee Reese 0 1
334 MizellWilmer Mizell 0 0
335 LepcioTed Lepcio 0 0
336 KosloDave Koslo 0 0
337 HearnJim Hearn 0 0
338 YvarsSal Yvars 0 0
339 MeyerRuss Meyer 0 0
340 HooperBob Hooper 0 0
341 JeffcoatHal Jeffcoat 0 0
342 LabineClem Labine 0 0
343 GernertDick Gernert 0 0
344 BlackwellEwell Blackwell 0 0
345 WhiteSam White 0 0
346 SpencerGeorge Spencer 0 0
347 AdcockJoe Adcock 0 0
348 KellyBob Kelly 0 0
349 CainBob Cain 0 0
350 AbramsCal Abrams 0 0
351 DarkAl Dark 0 0
352 DrewsKarl Drews 0 0
353 Del GrecoBob Del Greco 0 0
354 HatfieldFred Hatfield 0 0
355 MorganBobby Morgan 0 0
356 AtwellToby Atwell 0 0
357 BurgessSmoky Burgess 0 0
358 KucabJohn Kucab 0 0
359 FondyDee Fondy 0 0
360 CroweGeorge Crowe 0 0
361 PosedelBill Posedel 0 0
362 HeintzelmanKen Heintzelman 0 0
363 RozekDick Rozek 0 0
364 SukeforthClyde Sukeforth 0 0
365 LavagettoCookie Lavagetto 0 0
366 MadisonDave Madison 0 0
367 ThorpeBob Thorpe 0 0
368 WrightEd Wright 0 0
369 GroatDick Groat 0 0
370 HoeftBilly Hoeft 0 0
371 HofmanBobby Hofman 0 0
372 McDougaldGil McDougald 0 0
373 TurnerJim Turner 0 0
374 BentonAl Benton 0 0
375 MersonJack Merson 0 0
376 ThroneberryFaye Throneberry 0 0
377 DressenChuck Dressen 0 0
378 FusselmanLes Fusselman 0 0
379 RossiJoe Rossi 0 0
380 KoshorekClem Koshorek 0 0
381 StockMilton Stock 0 0
382 JonesSam Jones 0 0
383 WilberDel Wilber 0 0
384 CrosettiFrank Crosetti 0 0
385 FranksHerman Franks 0 0
386 YuhasEddie Yuhas 0 0
387 MeyerBill Meyer 0 0
388 ChipmanBob Chipman 0 0
389 WadeBen Wade 0 0
390 NelsonGlenn Nelson 0 0
391 ChapmanBen Chapman 0 0
392 WilhelmHoyt Wilhelm 0 1
393 St. ClaireEbba St. Claire 0 0
394 HermanBilly Herman 0 1
395 PitlerJake Pitler 0 0
396 WilliamsDick Williams 0 1
397 MainForrest Main 0 0
398 RiceHal Rice 0 0
399 FridleyJim Fridley 0 0
400 DickeyBill Dickey 0 1
401 SchultzBob Schultz 0 0
402 HarristEarl Harrist 0 0
403 MillerBill Miller 0 0
404 BrodowskiDick Brodowski 0 0
405 PellagriniEddie Pellagrini 0 0
406 NuxhallJoe Nuxhall 0 0
407 MathewsEd Mathews 1 1