1980 Hall of Fame Exhibits Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1980 Hall of Fame Exhibits Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Hall of Fame Exhibits
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Card Size:
3-3/8 x 5-3/8
Set Description:
Utilizing photos from the earlier issues in the same size, the fronts display "An Exhibit Card 1980 Hall of Fame". Red, Blue, Sepia

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
GomezLefty Gomez (Red) 0 1
BresnahanRoger Bresnahan (Sepia) 0 1
CobbTy Cobb (Sepia) 1 1
YoungCy Young (Red) 1 1
WagnerHonus Wagner (Red) 0 0
WagnerHonus Wagner (Sepia) 0 1
HornsbyRogers Hornsby (Blue) 0 1
DeanDizzy Dean (Blue) 0 1
CampanellaRoy Campanella (Sepia) 0 1
GroveLefty Grove (Sepia) 0 1
ChanceFrank Chance (Red) 0 1
WilliamsTed Williams (Sepia) 0 1
MantleMickey Mantle (Blue) 0 1
LemonBob Lemon (Sepia) 0 1
DickeyBill Dickey (Sepia) 0 1
FoxxJimmie Foxx (Red) 0 1
JenningsHugh Jennings (Red) 0 1
CobbTy Cobb (Red) 1 1
HubbellCarl Hubbell (Sepia) 0 1
EversJohnny Evers (Sepia) 0 1
RobinsonJackie Robinson (Sepia) 0 1
BresnahanRoger Bresnahan (Red) 0 1
GroveLefty Grove (Blue) 0 1
GomezVernon Gomez (Red) 0 1
CochraneMickey Cochrane (Sepia) 0 1
LajoieNap Lajoie (Blue) 0 1 Buy
EversJohnny Evers (Blue) 1 1
GomezLefty Gomez (Blue) 1 1
LajoieNap Lajoie (Red) 0 1
HornsbyRogers Hornsby (Sepia) 0 1
MathewsonChristy Mathewson (Blue) 0 1
AlexanderGrover Alexander (Sepia) 0 1
MathewsonChristy Mathewson (Sepia) 0 0
RuthBabe Ruth (Blue) 1 1
PaigeSatchel Paige (Blue) 0 1
OttMel Ott (Sepia) 0 1
YoungCy Young (Sepia) 0 1
DickeyBill Dickey (Red) 0 1
RuthBabe Ruth (Red) 1 1
GreenbergHank Greenberg (Blue) 0 1
SpeakerTris Speaker (Blue) 0 1
HubbellCarl Hubbell (Red) 0 1
RuthBabe Ruth (Sepia) 1 1 Buy
WilliamsBilly Williams (Red) 0 1
BanksErnie Banks (Sepia) 0 1
JohnsonWalter Johnson (Sepia) 0 1
JohnsonWalter Johnson (Blue) 0 1
YoungCy Young (Blue) 0 1
TinkerJoe Tinker (Sepia) 0 1 Buy
MusialStan Musial (Red) 0 1
SpeakerTris Speaker (Sepia) 0 1
CampanellaRoy Campanella (Red) 0 1
ChanceFrank Chance (Blue) 0 1
WilliamsTed Williams (Red) 0 1
MantleMickey Mantle (Red) 1 1
DickeyBill Dickey (Blue) 0 1
MantleMickey Mantle (Sepia) 0 1 Buy
DeanDizzy Dean (Sepia) 0 1
AlexanderGrover Alexander (Red) 0 1
GreenbergHank Greenberg (Red) 0 1
CobbTy Cobb (Blue) 1 1
LajoieNap Lajoie (Sepia) 0 1
DiMaggioJoe DiMaggio (Blue) 1 1
JenningsHugh Jennings (Sepia) 0 1
EversJohnny Evers (Red) 0 1
CochraneMickey Cochrane (Red) 0 1
RobinsonJackie Robinson (Blue) 0 1 Buy
FoxxJimmie Foxx (Sepia) 0 1
DiMaggioJoe DiMaggio (Sepia) 0 1
BoudreauLou Boudreau (Sepia) 0 1
CochraneMickey Cochrane (Blue) 0 1
GreenbergHank Greenberg (Sepia) 0 1
CampanellaRoy Campanella (Blue) 0 1
RobinsonJackie Robinson (Red) 1 1
OttMel Ott (Red) 0 1
DiMaggioJoe DiMaggio (Red) 0 1
HornsbyRogers Hornsby (Red) 0 1
MathewsonChristy Matthewson (Red) 0 1
ChanceFrank Chance (Sepia) 0 1
GomezLefty Gomez (Sepia) 0 1
AlexanderGrover Alexander (Blue) 0 1
WilliamsTed Williams (Blue) 1 1
SpeakerTris Speaker (Red) 0 1
PaigeSatchel Paige (Red) 0 1
PaigeSatchel Paige (Sepia) 0 1
LemonBob Lemon (Blue) 0 1
BanksErnie Banks (Red) 0 1
WagnerHonus Wagner (Blue) 1 1
JohnsonWalter Johnson (Red) 0 1
HubbellCarl Hubbell (Blue) 0 1
TinkerJoe Tinker (Red) 0 1
BanksErnie Banks (Blue) 0 1