1972 Venezuelan Stamps Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1972 Venezuelan Stamps Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Venezuelan Stamps
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 DavalilloVic Davalillo 0 0
2 GriffinDoug Griffin 0 0
3 CarewRod Carew 0 1
4 HorlenJoe Horlen 0 0
5 FregosiJim Fregosi 0 0
6 CarewRod Carew 0 1
7 ChampionBilly Champion 0 0
8 HansenRon Hansen 0 0
9 MurcerBobby Murcer 0 0
10 BrilesNelson Briles 0 0
11 PatekFreddie Patek 0 0
12 EpsteinMike Epstein 0 0
13 MarshallDave Marshall 0 0
14 HarganSteve Hargan 0 0
15 JosephsonDuane Josephson 0 0
16 GarveySteve Garvey 0 0
17 FisherEddie Fisher 0 0
18 AkerJack Aker 0 0
19 BrandRon Brand 0 0
20 RiceDel Rice 0 0
21 BrownOllie Brown 0 0
22 McAndrewJim McAndrew 0 0
23 HortonWillie Horton 0 0
24 LeonEddie Leon 0 0
25 HovleySteve Hovley 0 0
26 DrabowskyMoe Drabowsky 0 0
27 SelmaDick Selma 0 0
28 LyttleJim Lyttle 0 0
29 BandoSal Bando 0 0
30 LeeBill Lee 0 0
31 KalineAl Kaline 1 1
32 LumMike Lum 0 0
33 CainLes Cain 0 0
34 HebnerRich Hebner 0 0
35 ClendenonDonn Clendenon 0 0
36 HoukRalph Houk 0 0
37 MelendezLuis Melendez 0 0
38 SantoRon Santo 0 1
38 HickmanJim Hickman 0 0
39 MotaManny Mota 0 0
40 LockerBob Locker 0 0
41 SantoRon Santo 0 0
42 CloningerTony Cloninger 0 0
44 McCormickMike McCormick 0 0
45 WineBobby Wine 0 0
46 GomezPreston Gomez 0 0
47 CorralesPat Corrales (In Action) 0 0
48 TorresHector Torres 0 0
49 PetersonFritz Peterson 0 0
50 RookerJim Rooker 0 0
51 ShortChris Short 0 0
52 MarichalJuan Marichal (In Action) 0 1
53 MartinezTed Martinez 0 0
54 AspromonteKen Aspromonte 0 0
55 BondsBobby Bonds 0 0
56 RobertsonRich Robertson 0 0
57 ColbertNat Colbert 0 0
58 PaganJose Pagan (In Action) 0 0
59 BlefaryCurt Blefary (In Action) 0 0
60 MazeroskiBill Mazeroski 0 1 Buy
61 OdomJohn Odom 0 0
62 StoneGeorge Stone 0 0
63 KrausseLew Krausse 0 0
64 KnoopBobby Knoop 0 0
65 RosePete Rose 1 0
66 LuebberSteve Luebber 0 0
67 VossBill Voss 0 0
68 SalmonChico Salmon 0 0
69 MurrellIvan Murrell 0 0
70 GarridoGil Garrido 0 0
71 CrowleyTerry Crowley 0 0
73 DunningSteve Dunning 0 0
74 SadeckiRay Sadecki (In Action) 0 0
75 GallagherAlan Gallagher (In Action) 0 0
76 GutierrezCesar Gutierrez 0 0
77 KennedyJohn Kennedy 0 0
78 HagueJoe Hague 0 0
79 Dal CantonBruce Dal Canton 0 0
80 HoltzmanKen Holtzman 0 0
81 CartyRico Carty 0 0
82 RepozRoger Repoz 0 0
83 HealyFran Healy 0 0
84 GallagherAlan Gallagher 0 0
85 McKinneyRich McKinney 0 0
88 KirkpatrickEd Kirkpatrick (In Action) 0 0
89 CarltonSteve Carlton 0 1
90 HopkinsGail Hopkins 0 0
91 SmithReggie Smith 0 0
92 RiddlebergerDenny Riddleberger 0 0
93 SuttonDon Sutton 0 1 Buy
94 MooseBob Moose 0 0
95 DeckerJoe Decker 0 0
96 WilsonBilly Wilson 0 0
97 FerraroMike Ferraro 0 0
98 HiattJack Hiatt 0 0
100 StahlLarry Stahl 0 0
101 SlatonJim Slaton 0 0
102 WynnJim Wynn 0 0
103 NiekroPhil Niekro 0 1 Buy
104 CaterDanny Cater 0 0
105 SadeckiRay Sadecki 0 0
106 BillinghamJack Billingham 0 0
107 NelsonDave Nelson 0 0
108 MayRudy May 0 0
109 MoneyDon Money 0 0
110 SeguiDiego Segui 0 0
111 PaganJose Pagan 0 0
112 StrohmayerJohn Strohmayer 0 0
113 BlasingameWade Blasingame 0 0
114 WrightKen Wright 0 0
115 TatumKen Tatum 0 0
116 PaulMike Paul 0 0
117 McCrawTom McCraw 0 0
118 GibsonBob Gibson 0 1
119 SantoriniAl Santorini 0 0
120 CardenasLeo Cardenas 0 0
121 StewartJim Stewart 0 0
123 AspromonteBob Aspromonte 0 0
124 DuffyFrank Duffy 0 0
125 LanierHal Lanier 0 0
126 ColbertNate Colbert 0 0
127 GibsonRuss Gibson 0 0
128 GeronimoCesar Geronimo 0 0
129 KellyPat Kelly 0 0
130 PinaHoracio Pina 0 0
131 BrinkmanChuck Brinkman 0 0
132 VirdonBill Virdon 0 0
133 McRaeHal McRae 0 0
134 OlivaTony Oliva (In Action) 0 1
136 MontanezWillie Montanez 0 0
137 GreenDick Green 0 0
138 RayJim Ray 0 0
139 MenkeDenis Menke 0 0
140 KendallFred Kendall 0 0
141 BlueVida Blue 0 0
142 GrieveTom Grieve 0 0
143 KirkpatrickEd Kirkpatrick 0 0
144 ScottGeorge Scott 0 0
145 BreedenHal Breeden 0 0
146 McMullenKen McMullen 0 0
147 PerryJim Perry (In Action) 0 0
148 GrangerWayne Granger 0 0
149 HeganMike Hegan 0 0
150 OliverAl Oliver 0 0
151 RobinsonFrank Robinson 0 1
152 BlairPaul Blair 0 0
153 HenniganPhil Hennigan 0 0
154 StoneRon Stone 0 0
155 MichaelGene Michael 0 0
156 McNertneyJerry McNertney 0 0
157 LopezMarcelino Lopez 0 0
158 MayDave May 0 0
159 HartJim Hart 0 0
160 ColemanJoe Coleman 0 0
162 BrinkmanEd Brinkman 0 0
163 McAuliffeDick McAuliffe 0 0
164 DoylePaul Doyle 0 0
165 ForsterTerry Forster 0 0
166 HamiltonSteve Hamilton 0 0
167 CorkinsMike Corkins 0 0
168 ConcepcionDave Concepcion 0 0 Buy
169 SudakisBill Sudakis 0 0
170 MarichalJuan Marichal 0 1
171 KillebrewHarmon Killebrew 0 1
172 TiantLuis Tiant 0 0 Buy
173 UhlaenderTed Uhlaender 0 0
174 FoliTim Foli 0 0
175 AparicioLuis Aparicio (In Action) 0 0
176 CampanerisBert Campaneris 0 0
177 SandsCharlie Sands 0 0
178 KnowlesDarold Knowles 0 0
179 KoosmanJerry Koosman (In Action) 0 0
180 CardenasLeo Cardenas (In Action) 0 0
181 AlvaradoLuis Alvarado 0 0
182 NettlesGraig Nettles 0 0
183 AlstonWalt Alston 0 1
184 RyanNolan Ryan 0 1
185 SpragueEd Sprague 0 0
186 ReeseRich Reese 0 0
187 RosePete Rose 1 0
188 AllenBernie Allen 0 0
189 PiniellaLou Piniella 0 0
190 ReussJerry Reuss 0 0
191 PfeilBobby Pfeil 0 0
192 BurdaBob Burda 0 0
193 WilliamsWalter Williams 0 0
194 BakerDusty Baker 0 0
195 MoralesRich Morales 0 0
196 StonemanBill Stoneman 0 0
197 KingHal King 0 0
198 JavierJulian Javier 0 0
199 MasonDon Mason 0 0
200 VealeBob Veale 0 0
201 BeauchampJim Beauchamp 0 0
202 SantoRon Santo (In Action) 0 1 Buy
203 SeaverTom Seaver 0 1
204 MerrittJim Merritt 0 0
205 KoosmanJerry Koosman 0 0
206 WoodsonDick Woodson 0 0
207 SimpsonWayne Simpson 0 0
208 LaboyJose Laboy 0 0
209 McDowellSam McDowell 0 0
210 BaileyBob Bailey 0 0
211 FaireyJim Fairey 0 0
212 AlouFelipe Alou 0 0
213 ConcepcionDave Concepcion (In Action) 0 0 Buy
214 WoodWilbur Wood (In Action) 0 0
215 HernandezEnzo Hernandez 0 0
216 ReedRon Reed 0 0
217 BahnsenStan Bahnsen 0 0
218 BrownOllie Brown 0 0
219 JarvisPat Jarvis 0 0
220 FoliTim Foli (In Action) 0 0
221 McLainDenny McLain 0 0
222 GroteJerry Grote 0 0
223 JohnsonDave Johnson 0 0
224 OdomJohn Odom (In Action) 0 0
225 CasanovaPaul Casanova 0 0
226 CulverGeorge Culver 0 0
227 CorralesPat Corrales 0 0
228 KaatJim Kaat 0 1
229 ReynoldsArchie Reynolds 0 0
230 RebergerFrank Reberger 0 0
231 YastrzemskiCarl Yastrzemski 0 1
232 HoltJim Holt 0 0
233 RandleLenny Randle 0 0
234 GriffinDoug Griffin (In Action) 0 0
235 RaderDoug Rader 0 0
236 AlouJesus Alou 0 0
237 WoodWilbur Wood 0 0
238 KattJim Katt (In Action) 0 0
239 PetersonFritz Peterson 0 0
240 LeonhardDave Leonhard 0 0
241 RobinsonBrooks Robinson 0 1
242 MillanFelix Millan 0 0