1968 Menko JDM27 Kyojin No Hoshi Style Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1968 Menko JDM27 Kyojin No Hoshi Style Baseball Card Set

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Menko JDM27 Kyojin No Hoshi Style
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
14675 EtoShinichi Eto 0 0
50120 ShimadaKentaro Shimada 0 0
54017 EnatsuYutaka Enatsu 0 0
54320 KanedaMasaichi Kaneda 0 0
67402 OhSadaharu Oh 0 0
72407 NagashimaShigeo Nagashima 0 0
75027 HoriuchiTsuneo Horiuchi 0 0
91407 ShibataIsao Shibata 0 0