1961 National Bank of Washington Washington Tacoma Giants Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1961 National Bank of Washington Washington Tacoma Giants Baseball Card Set

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National Bank of Washington Washington Tacoma Giants
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
DavisRed Davis 0 0
FarleyBob Farley 0 0
HerbelRonald Herbel 0 0
PerryBob Perry 0 0
OrsinoJohn Orsino 0 0
RhodesDusty Rhodes 0 0
PhillipsDick Phillips 0 0
MotaManny Mota 0 0
GoetzJohn Goetz 0 0
ByerlyBud Byerly 0 0
AlomarRafael Alomar 0 0
DaviaultRay Daviault 0 0
HainBill Hain 0 0
FisherEddie Fisher 0 0
R. LovenguthLynn R. Lovenguth 0 0
ZanniDom Zanni 0 0
PerryGaylord Perry 0 1
TiefenthalerVerle Tiefenthaler 0 0
GarridoGil Garrido 0 0
MarandaGeorges Maranda 0 0
ReveiraFrank Reveira 0 0
BowmanErnie Bowman 0 0