1949 Toleteros Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1949 Toleteros Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
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Issued in 1949-1950 this second set of Puerto Rican league cards are very much like the first set issued. Fronts are a black and white print but this time around the backs are inked in red.

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
BurgosJ.A. Burgos 0 0
BankheadSammy Bankhead 0 0
BrownGeorge Brown 0 0
MossHoward Moss 0 0
JamesWalter James 0 0
KayserCecyl Kayser 0 0
FerrerCoco Ferrer 0 0
NavarroDomingo Navarro 0 0
BreadStan Bread 0 0
ArroyoLuis Arroyo 0 0
SanchezJuan Sanchez 0 0
RoqueJose M. Roque 0 0
VargasTetelo Vargas 0 0
MarreroGilberto Marrero 0 0
LastraRafael Lastra 0 0
GrahamJack Graham 0 0
FieldsWilmer Fields 0 0
MarreroAntonio Marrero 0 0
OlivoGuayuvin Olivo 0 0
DelgadoFelle Delgado 0 0
FloresOscar Mir Flores 0 0
PetersRuss Peters 0 0
BuzasJoe Buzas 0 0
VargasRoberto Vargas 0 0
BrewerChester Brewer 0 0
SalgadoRamon Salgado 0 0
GuilbeFelo Guilbe 0 0
BlasiniEfrain Blasini 0 0
RodriguezBienvenido Rodriguez 0 0
LynnRobert Lynn 0 0
OlivenciaAlfredo Olivencia 0 0
MarquezCanena Marquez 0 0
AlonsoAlfredo Alonso 0 0
OrtizOtoniel Ortiz 0 0
ColonLuis Colon 0 0
FusselmanLes Fusselman 0 0
PolancoJose Polanco 0 0
WilliamsCurley Williams 0 0
ClarksonBuster Clarkson 0 0
SchmidtKermit Schmidt 0 0
LoudenLouis Louden 0 0
PellotVictor Pellot 0 0
TiradoLeon Tirado 0 0
MapesClifford Mapes 0 0
RosadoFachy Rosado 0 0
AngleroPaday Anglero 0 0
DavisPiper Davis 0 0
AlvarezManuel Alvarez 0 0
VegaGuillermo Vega 0 0
TenIsrael Ten 0 0
GerardAlfonso Gerard 0 0
MedinaAgustin Medina 0 0
WilsonRobert Wilson 0 0
SeayDick Seay 0 0
SouellHerb Souell 0 0
PereiraPepin Pereira 0 0
RalatOtto Ralat 0 0
MartiHumberto Marti 0 0
CamaraEugenio Camara 0 0
DiazRuben Diaz 0 0
AgostoHector Agosto 0 0
CabezudoRafael Cabezudo 0 0
SummersLonnie Summers 0 0
QuinonesTomas Quinones 0 0
CollinsEugene Collins 0 0
GonzalezRafael Gonzalez 0 0
LaytonLee Layton 0 0
NaylorEarl Naylor 0 0
HarrisVic Harris (Black background) 0 0
KraussJack Krauss 0 0
PerryAlonso Perry 0 0
SedaJose Seda 0 0
CastroNino Zurdo Castro 0 0
AlonsoYiyo Alonso 0 0
AlmendroJaime Almendro 0 0
CoimbreFrancisco Coimbre 0 0
TabornEarl Taborn 0 0
OrtizRafaelito Ortiz 0 0
BrownWillard Brown 0 1
SauerEd Sauer 0 0
HernaizAngel Hernaiz 0 0
TorresBin Torres 0 0
ArroyoPedro J. Arroyo 0 0
SterlingTetelo Sterling 0 0
RalatMilton Ralat 0 0
AndinoPablo Andino 0 0
CondeCefo Conde 0 0
VillodasLouis Villodas 0 0
EasterlingHoward Easterling 0 0
ThonFreddie Thon 0 0
SostreFrancisco Sostre 0 0
BakerEugene Baker 0 0
McDanielsBooker McDaniels 1 0
TrussaHector Trussa 0 0
HidalgoEfrain Hidalgo 0 0
PadillaAlberto Padilla 0 0
TorresCarmelo Torres 0 0
BernierCarlos Bernier 0 0
ChapmanMedina Chapman 0 0
ReinosoEnrique Reinoso 0 0
SmithEugene Smith 0 0
DelpinCarmelo Delpin 0 0
MoralesLuis Morales 0 0
BankheadDan Bankhead 0 0
ValentinFoca Valentin 0 0
AndradeJueyito Andrade 0 0
MoralesWillie Morales 0 0
NavarroDigno Navarro 0 0
IrizarryNatalio Irizarry 0 0
FallonGeorge Fallon 0 0
RodriguezPedro Rodriguez 1 0
BonillaAnil Bonilla 0 0
ConcepcionMonchile Concepcion 0 0
RiveraMiguel L. Rivera 0 0
SmithHilton Smith 1 1 Buy
MontalvoJose Montalvo 0 0
RamosFernando Ramos 0 0
DavisJohnny Davis 0 0
LasaRamon Lasa 0 0
NavarroMillito Navarro 0 0
SollaIsmael Solla 0 0
LanauzeCarlos Lanauze 0 0
FiallaWalter Fialla 0 0
SniderJerome Snider 0 0
BrittonJohnny Britton 0 0
TrouppeQuincy Trouppe 0 0
RosasJorge Rosas 0 0
LamarqueJim Lamarque 0 0
MunozGallego Munoz 0 0
LopezRadames Lopez 0 0
EspinosaTeggy Espinosa 0 0
ButtsTommy Butts (Black sleeve) 0 0
CabreraMarzo Cabrera 0 0
OquendoNoel Oquendo 0 0
PerezIsmael Perez 0 0
FreyreJesus M. Freyre 0 0
FigueroaTite Figueroa 0 0
VazquezRafael Vazquez 0 0
HairstonSam Hairston 0 0
SantiagoCarlos M. Santiago 0 0
ThurmanRoberto Thurman 0 0
CabreraLuis Cabrera 0 0
PerezVillodas Perez 0 0
LyonsAl Lyons 0 0
MedinaJohn Medina 0 0
AlvaradoIsmael Alvarado 0 0
SerellBarney Serell 0 0
GuilbeJuan Guilbe 0 0
PayanoMiguel Payano 0 0
GlossoppAlban Glossopp 0 0
GarciaCinque Garcia 0 0
GoycoGely Goyco 0 0
WilliamsMarvin Williams 0 0
CepedaPerucho Cepeda 0 0
SloatDwain Sloat 0 0
CorderoOmar Cordero 0 0
PenaPedro Pena 0 0
SantiagoJose Santiago 0 0
MarklandJim Markland 0 0
ChecoT. Gomez Checo 0 0
CaceresManolete Caceres 0 0
SearsKen Sears 0 0
ButtsTommy Butts (White sleeve) 0 0
MedinaVicente Medina 0 0
St. ClairLuis St. Clair 1 0 Buy
GomezRuben Gomez 0 0
SmithJohn Smith 0 0
GonzalezFaelo Gonzalez 0 0
VillafaneVicente Villafane 0 0
WiscovichRogelio Wiscovich 0 0
HarrisVic Harris (Outdoors) 0 0
MachucaCirico Machuca 0 0
PerezPalomo Perez 0 0
TorresIndian Torres 0 0
MatosAchin Matos 0 0
CasalsMaximo Casals 0 0
PedrosoFernando Pedroso 0 0
AlberdestonAlberto Alberdeston 0 0
ScalesGeorge Scales 0 0
TaborJim Tabor 0 0
ZavalaRafael Zavala 0 0
CruzVitin Cruz 0 0
GreasonBill Greason 0 0
CasanovaRafael Casanovas 0 0
LettishLettish 0 0
PowellBill Powell 1 0
McQuillenGeorge McQuillen 0 0
ColmeneroRafael Colmenero 0 0
DavisLomax Davis 0 0
AlomarGuinea Alomar 0 0
WilsonArtie Wilson 0 0
ThomasLeo Thomas 0 0
MarquezLeo Marquez 0 0
PerezRogelio Perez 0 0
SevillaMcDuffie Sevilla 0 0
HernandezManuel Hernandez 0 0
VelazquezJose Velazquez 0 0
MaldonadoCaro Maldonado 0 0
BayronRamon Bayron 0 0
MoralesPedroso Morales 0 0
RichardsLionel Richards 0 0
AliceaAlberto Alicea 0 0
CoxJohnny Cox 0 0
EasterLucas Easter 0 0
TiradoGriffin Tirado 0 0
AlomarPedro Alomar 0 0
MillerHenry Miller 0 0
HughesRoy Hughes 0 0
HowellDixie Howell 0 0
PerezJuan Perez 0 0
HarrisLuman Harris 0 0
BithornHiram Bithorn 0 0
GuilbeJesus Guilbe 0 0
RescignoXavier Rescigno 0 0
DayLeon Day 1 1
LoganJohnny Logan 0 0
EscaleraSaturnino Escalera 0 0