1911 Gold Borders Broadleaf Back Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1911 Gold Borders Broadleaf Back Baseball Card Set

ACC #:
Set Name:
Gold Borders Broadleaf Back
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Card Size:
1-7/16 x 2-5/8
Set Description:
Unique for its gold leaf borders, which make them, very fragile and hard to find in high-grade condition. The fronts are litho printed with the Nationals being head to shoulder portraits. The Americans are headshots inside a diamond. This set is for cards with a Broadleaf back.

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 AbbaticchioEd Abbaticchio 1 0
2 AdkinsDoc Adkins 1 0
3 AmesRed Ames 1 0
4 ArcherJimmy Archer 1 0
5 AustinJimmy Austin 1 0
6 BaileyBill Bailey 1 0
7 BakerFrank Baker 1 1
8 BallNeal Ball 1 0
9 BargerEros Barger (full "B" on cap) 1 0
10 BargerEros Barger ((partial) 1 0
11 BarryJack Barry 1 0
12 BatchEmil Batch 1 0
13 BatesJohnny Bates 1 0
14 BeckFred Beck 1 0
15 BeckerBeals Becker 1 0
16 BellGeorge Bell 1 0
17 BenderChief Bender 1 1
18 BergenBill Bergen 1 0
19 BescherBob Bescher 1 0
20 BirminghamJoe Birmingham 1 0
21 BlackburneLena Blackburne 1 0
22 BransfieldKitty Bransfield 1 0
23 BresnahanRoger Bresnahan (mouth closed) 1 1
24 BresnahanRoger Bresnahan (mouth open) 1 1
25 BridwellAl Bridwell 1 0
26 BrownMordecai Brown 1 1
27 ByrneBobby Byrne 1 0
28 CadyForrest Cady 1 0
29 CamnitzHowie Camnitz 1 0
30 CarriganBill Carrigan 1 0
31 ChanceFrank Chance 1 1
32 ChaseHal Chase (both ears, diamond frame ends below shoulders) 1 0
33 ChaseHal Chase (both ears , diamond frame ends at shoulders) 1 0
34 ChaseHal Chase (only left ear shows) 1 0
35 CicotteEddie Cicotte 1 0
36 ClarkeFred Clarke 1 1
37 CobbTy Cobb 1 1
38 CollinsCollins (Eddie, mouth closed) (mouth closed) 1 1
39 CollinsCollins (Eddie, mouth open) (mouth open) 1 1
40 CollinsCollins (Jimmy) 1 1
41 CorridonFrank Corridon 1 0
42 CrandallDoc Crandall ("T" crossed") 1 0
43 CrandallDoc Crandall ("t" not crossed) 1 0
44 CrigerLou Criger 1 0
45 DahlenBill Dahlen 1 0
46 DaubertJake Daubert 1 0
47 DelahantyJim Delahanty 1 0
48 DevlinArt Devlin 1 0
49 DevoreJosh Devore 1 0
50 DicksonW. R. Dickson 1 0
51 DonahueJiggs Donahue (Correct spell Donahue) 1 0
52 DooinRed Dooin 1 0
53 DoolanMickey Doolan 1 0
54 DoughertyPatsy Dougherty (red sock icon) 1 0
55 DoughertyPatsy Dougherty (white sock icon) 1 0
56 DowneyTom Downey 1 0
57 DoyleLarry Doyle 1 0
58 DuffyHugh Duffy 1 1
59 DunnJack Dunn 1 0
60 DygertJimmy Dygert 1 0
61 EganDick Egan 1 0
62 ElberfeldKid Elberfeld 1 0
63 EngleClyde Engle 1 0
64 EvansLouis Evans 1 0
65 EversJohnny Evers 1 1
66 EwingBob Ewing 1 0
67 FergusonCecil Ferguson 1 0
68 FisherRay Fisher 1 0
69 FletcherArt Fletcher 1 0
70 FlynnJohn Flynn 1 0
71 FordRuss Ford (black cap) 1 0
72 FordRuss Ford (white cap) 1 0
73 FoxenBill Foxen 1 0
74 FrickJimmy Frick 1 0
75 FrommeArt Fromme 1 0
76 GardnerEarl Gardner 1 0
77 GasparHarry Gaspar 1 0
78 GibsonGeorge Gibson 1 0
79 GoodWilbur Good (Correct spell Good) 1 0
80 GrahamGeorge Graham (Rustlers) 1 0
81 GrahamGeorge Graham (Cubs) 1 0
82 GrantEddie Grant 1 0
83 GrayDolly Gray (no stats on back) 1 0
84 GrayDolly Gray (stats on back) 1 0
85 GriffithClark Griffith 1 1
86 GroomBob Groom 1 0
87 HanfordCharlie Hanford 1 0
88 HarmonBob Harmon (both ears show) 1 0
89 HarmonBob Harmon (only left ear shows) 1 0
90 HartselTopsy Hartsel 1 0
91 HauserJoe Hauser 1 0
92 HemphillCharlie Hemphill 1 0
93 HerzogBuck Herzog 1 0
94 HoblitzellDick Hoblitzell (no stats on back) 1 0
95 HoblitzellDick Hoblitzell ("Cin." after 1908 in stats) 1 0
96 HoblitzellDick Hoblitzell (name incorrect) 1 0
97 HoblitzellDick Hoblitzell (no "Cin." after 1908) 1 0
98 HoffmanDanny Hoffman 1 0
99 HugginsMiller Huggins 1 1
100 HummelJohn Hummel 1 0
101 JacklitschFred Jacklitsch 1 0
102 JenningsHugh Jennings 1 1
103 JohnsonWalter Johnson 1 1
104 JonesJones (D.) 1 0
105 JonesJones (Tom) 1 0
106 JossAddie Joss 1 1
107 KargerEd Karger 1 0
108 KillianEd Killian 1 0
109 KleinowRed Kleinow 1 0
110 KlingJohnny Kling 1 0
111 KnightJack Knight 1 0
112 KonetchyEd Konetchy 1 0
113 KrauseHarry Krause 1 0
114 KrohRube Kroh 1 0
115 LangeFrank Lange (Correct spell Lange) 1 0
116 LaPorteFrank LaPorte 1 0
117 LathamArlie Latham (A. Latham on back) 1 0
118 LathamArlie Latham (W.A. Latham on back) 1 0
119 LeachTommy Leach 1 0
120 LeeWyatt Lee 1 0
121 LeeverSam Leever 1 0
122 LeifieldLeifield (A.) 1 0
123 LeifieldLeifield (A. P.) 1 0
124 LennoxEd Lennox 1 0
125 LivingstonPaddy Livingston 1 0
126 LobertHans Lobert 1 0
127 LordBris Lord (Athletics) 1 0
128 LordHarry Lord (White Sox) 1 0
129 LushJohnny Lush 1 0
130 MaddoxNick Maddox 1 0
131 MageeSherry Magee 1 0
132 MarquardRube Marquard 1 1
133 MathewsonChristy Mathewson 1 1
134 MatternAl Mattern 1 0
135 McAllisterSport McAllister 1 0
136 McBrideGeorge McBride 1 0
137 McConnellAmby McConnell 1 0
138 McElveenPryor McElveen 1 0
139 McGrawJohn McGraw 1 1
140 McIntireHarry McIntire (Cubs) 1 0
141 McIntyreMatty McIntyre (White Sox) 1 0
142 McLeanLarry McLean 1 0
143 MerkleFred Merkle 1 0
144 MerrittGeorge Merritt 1 0
145 MeyersChief Meyers 1 0
146 MilanClyde Milan 1 0
147 MillerDots Miller 1 0
148 MitchellMike Mitchell 1 0
149 MoranPat Moran 1 0
150 MoranPat Moran (stray line under stats) 1 0
151 MoriartyGeorge Moriarty 1 0
152 MullinGeorge Mullin 1 0
153 MurphyDanny Murphy 1 0
154 MurrayRed Murray 1 0
155 NeeJohn Nee 1 0
156 NeedhamTom Needham 1 0
157 OakesRebel Oakes 1 0
158 OldringRube Oldring 1 0
159 O'LearyCharley O'Leary 1 0
160 OlmsteadFred Olmstead 1 0
161 OverallOrval Overall 1 0
162 ParentFreddy Parent 1 0
163 PaskertDode Paskert 1 0
164 PayneFred Payne 1 0
165 PeltyBarney Pelty 1 0
166 PfiesterJake Pfiester 1 0
167 PhelanJimmy Phelan 1 0
168 PhelpsEddie Phelps 1 0
169 PhillippeDeacon Phillippe 1 0
170 QuinnJack Quinn 1 0
171 RaymondBugs Raymond 1 0
172 ReulbachEd Reulbach 1 0
173 RichieLew Richie 1 0
174 RowanJack Rowan 1 0
175 RuckerNap Rucker 1 0
176 ScanlanDoc Scanlan 1 0
177 SchaeferGermany Schaefer 1 0
178 SchleiAdmiral Schlei 1 0
179 SchmidtBoss Schmidt 1 0
180 SchulteWildfire Schulte 1 0
181 ScottJim Scott 1 0
182 SharpeBud Sharpe 1 0
183 SheanDave Shean (Rustlers) 1 0
184 SheanDave Shean (Cubs) 1 0
185 SheckardJimmy Sheckard 1 0
186 SimmonsHack Simmons 1 0
187 SmithTony Smith 1 0
188 SnodgrassFred Snodgrass 1 0
189 SpeakerTris Speaker 1 1
190 StahlJake Stahl 1 0
191 StanageOscar Stanage 1 0
192 SteinfeldtHarry Steinfeldt 1 0
193 StoneGeorge Stone 1 0
194 StovallGeorge Stovall 1 0
195 StreetGabby Street 1 0
196 SuggsGeorge Suggs 1 0
197 SummersEd Summers 1 0
198 SweeneyJeff Sweeney 1 0
199 TannehillLee Tannehill 1 0
200 ThomasIra Thomas 1 0
201 TinkerJoe Tinker 1 1
202 TitusJohn Titus 1 0
203 TurnerTerry Turner 1 0
204 VaughnHippo Vaughn 1 0
205 WagnerHeinie Wagner 1 0
206 WallaceBobby Wallace (with cap) 1 1
207 WallaceBobby Wallace (no cap,one line of 1910 stats) 1 1
208 WallaceBobby Wallace (no cap,two lines of 1910 stats) 1 1
209 WalshEd Walsh 1 1
210 WheatZach Wheat 1 1
211 WhiteDoc White (White Sox) 1 0
212 WhiteKirby White (Pirates) 1 0
213 WilhelmKaiser Wilhelm 1 0
214 WilhelmWilhelm (missing letter (missing letter "r" in suffered) 1 0
215 WillettEd Willett 1 0
216 WilsonOwen Wilson 1 0
217 WiltseHooks Wiltse (both ears show) 1 0
218 WiltseHooks Wiltse (left ear hidden) 1 0
219 WolterHarry Wolter 1 0
220 YoungCy Young 1 1