1910 Sporting Life Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1910 Sporting Life Baseball Card Set

ACC #:
Set Name:
Sporting Life
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Card Size:
1-1/2 x 2-5/8
Set Description:
Sporting Life issued these cards by mail to their subscribers. The fronts of the cards are colorized black & white photos with the name and team printed below. Backs have a variety of ads for the distributor.

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
DelahantyJim Delahanty 1 0
LordBris Lord (Cleveland) 1 0
StallingsGeorge Stallings 1 0
DoolanMickey Doolan 1 0
McConnellAmby McConnell (Boston) 1 0
BradleyBill Bradley 1 0
WagnerHonus Wagner (Pittsburgh-Pastel Background) 1 1
HofmanSolly Hofman 1 0
OverallOrval Overall 1 0
CollinsRay Collins 1 0
KrauseHarry Krause 1 0
SchmidtBoss Schmidt 1 0
Envelope 1 0
TannehillLee Tannehill 1 0
FalkenbergCy Falkenberg 1 0
BargerCy Barger 1 0
MillerDots Miller (Pittsburgh) 1 0
CarriganBill Carrigan 1 0
WoodJoe Wood 1 0
JonesDavy Jones (Blue Background) 1 0
RayFarmer Ray 1 0
DavisHarry Davis (Pastel Background) 1 0
LivingstonPaddy Livingstone (Correct spell Livingston) 1 0
SparksTully Sparks 1 0
DooinRed Dooin (Pastel Background) 1 0
MatternAl Mattern 1 0
BlackburneLena Blackburn (Correct spell Blackburne) 1 0
WaddellRube Waddell (Black Back) 1 1
MurrayRed Murray 1 0
HoblitzellDick Hoblitzel (Correct spell Hoblitzell) 1 0
O'LearyCharley O'Leary 1 0
JonesDavy Jones (Pastel Background) 1 0
PowellJack Powell 1 0
ClarkeTom Clarke (Cincinnati) 1 0
KnightJohn Knight 0 0
SchleiAdmiral Schlei 1 0
SummersEd Summers (Blue Back) 1 0
EvansSteve Evans 1 0
MerkleFred Merkle 1 0
CampbellVin Campbell 1 0
WiltseHooks Wiltse 1 0 Buy
HarmonBob Harmon 1 0
OldringRube Oldring 1 0
DavidsonBill Davidson 1 0
LinkFred Linke (Correct spell Link) 1 0
SnodgrassFred Snodgrass 1 0
DonovanWild Bill Donovan (Blue Background) 1 0
GardnerLarry Gardner (Boston) 1 0
BescherBob Bescher 1 0
UnglaubBob Unglaub 1 0
MullinGeorge Mullin (Blue Back) 1 0
ByrneBobby Byrne 1 0
WilsonOwen Wilson (Pittsburgh) 1 0
JenningsHugh Jennings (Blue Background) 1 1
PhillippeDeacon Phillippe 1 0
CobbTy Cobb (Pastel Background) 1 1
KlingJohnny Kling 1 0
SummersEd Summers (Black Back) 1 0
EllisRube Ellis 1 0
McQuillanGeorge McQuillan (Cincinnati) 1 0
MullinGeorge Mullin (Black Back) 1 0
HartzellRoy Hartzell 1 0
O'ConnorPaddy O'Connor (Pittsburgh) 1 0
CurtisCliff Curtis 1 0
LeifieldLefty Leifield 1 0
SmithHarry Smith (Boston) 1 0
BakerFrank Baker (Black Back) 1 1
GardnerEarl Gardner (New York) 0 0
BergenBill Bergen 1 0
TitusJohn Titus 1 0
BurchAl Burch 1 0
WillisVic Willis 1 1
JacklitschFred Jacklitsch 1 0
PhelanArt Phelan 1 0
ClarkeFred Clarke (Pittsburgh-Blue Back) 1 1
KaneJohnny Kane 1 0
MathewsonChristy Mathewson (Blue Background) 1 1
SuggsGeorge Suggs 1 0
ErwinTex Erwin 1 0
McLeanLarry McLean 1 0
BenderChief Bender (Blue Background) 1 1
TinkerJoe Tinker (Black Back) 1 1
MorganCy Morgan 1 0
HahnEd Hahn 1 0
OakesRebel Oakes 1 0
ScanlanDoc Scanlon (Correct spell Scanlan) 1 0
CrigerLou Criger 1 0
LeachTommy Leach (Blue Background) 1 0
SmithCharlie Smith (Boston) 1 0
BackmanLes Bachman (Correct spell Backman) 1 0
FrockSam Frock 1 0
McIntyreMatty McIntyre 1 0
BrownMordecai Brown (Chicago-Pastel Background) 1 1
WilhelmKaiser Wilhelm 1 0
HunterGeorge Hunter 1 0
PfefferJeff Pfeffer 1 0
ClarkeFred Clarke (Pittsburgh-Black Back) 1 1
KilleferBill Killefer (Correct spell Killefer) 1 0
DonovanWild Bill Donovan (Pastel Background) 1 0
MaddenTom Madden 1 0
StroudSailor Stroud 1 0
ElberfeldKid Elberfeld 1 0
FoxenBill Foxen 1 0
BellGeorge Bell 1 0
ThomasIra Thomas (Pastel Background) 1 0
MoranPat Moran 1 0
GrahamPeaches Graham (Boston) 1 0
SalleeSlim Sallee 1 0
CrandallDoc Crandall 1 0
LathersChick Lathers 1 0
SheanDave Shean 1 0
AtkinsTommy Atkins 1 0
DygertJimmy Dygert 1 0
McIntireHarry McIntire 1 0
BrownBuster Brown (Boston) 1 0
WalshJimmy Walsh (Philadelphia-Gray Background) 1 0
HulswittRudy Hulswitt 1 0
PerringGeorge Perring 1 0
CharlesChappie Charles 1 0
DevoreJosh Devore 1 0
MageeSherry Magee 1 0
StovallGeorge Stovall 1 0
ArcherJimmy Archer 1 0
FordRuss Ford 1 0
BeckFred Beck 1 0
TenneyFred Tenney (Blue Background) 1 0
MooreEarl Moore 1 0
GrahamBill Graham (St. Louis) 1 0
YoungIrv Young (Chicago) 1 0
RuckerNap Rucker (Black Back) 1 0
CoveleskiHarry Coveleskie (Correct spell Coveleski) 1 0
LakeFred Lake (Boston) 1 0
ShaferArthur Shafer 1 0
MackConnie Mack 1 1
StephensJim Stephens 1 0
DoyleLarry Doyle (Pastel Background) 1 0
McGuireDeacon McGuire 1 0
BransfieldKitty Bransfield 1 0
WalshEd Walsh (Chicago) 1 1
HugginsMiller Huggins 1 1
PeltyBarney Pelty 1 0
DevlinArt Devlin (Black Back) 1 0
LajoieNap Lajoie (Blue Background) 1 1
SeymourCy Seymour (Baltimore) 0 0
AdamsBabe Adams (Blue Back) 1 0
FergusonCecil Ferguson 1 0
BeaumontGinger Beaumont 1 0
MillerWarren Miller (Washington) 1 0
GibsonGeorge Gibson (Blue Background) 1 0
YoungCy Young (Blue Back) 1 1
JossAddie Joss 1 1
RowanJack Rowan 1 0
CoombsJack Coombs 1 0
DessauRube Dessau 1 0
LordHarry Lord (Pastel Background) 0 0
StahlJake Stahl 1 0
DoyleJim Doyle (Cincinnati) 1 0
McElveenPryor McElveen 1 0
BlockJimmy Block 1 0
WagnerHonus Wagner (Pittsburgh-Blue Background) 1 1
HoffmanDanny Hoffman 1 0
PaskertDode Paskert 1 0
LajoieNap Lajoie (Pastel Background) 1 1
ScottJim Scott 1 0
AbbaticchioEd Abbaticchio 1 0
EwingBob Ewing 1 0
BarryJack Barry 1 0
MilanClyde Milan 1 0
ChanceFrank Chance (Blue Background) 1 1
WolterHarry Wolter 1 0
JordanTim Jordan (Pastel Background) 1 0
ReulbachEd Reulbach 1 0
CollinsEddie Collins (Blue Background) 1 0
DavisHarry Davis (Blue Background) 1 0
LobertHans Lobert 1 0
SpadeBob Spade 1 0
DoughertyPatsy Dougherty 1 0
McBrideGeorge McBride 1 0
BlissJack Bliss 1 0
WaddellRube Waddell (Blue Back) 1 1
NeedhamTom Needham 1 0
HerzogBuck Herzog 1 0
ParentFreddy Parent 1 0
CollinsEddie Collins (Pastel Background) 1 1 Buy
KrohRube Kroh 1 0
SchulteWildfire Schulte 1 0
BatesJohnny Bates (Cincinnati) 0 0
SweeneyBill Sweeney (Boston) 1 0
EversJohnny Evers (Black Back) 1 1
MeloanPaul Meloan 1 0
ChanceFrank Chance (Pastel Background) 1 1 Buy
WorksRalph Works 1 0
JohnsonWalter Johnson 1 1
RaymondBugs Raymond 1 0
DahlenBill Dahlen 1 0
LennoxEd Lennox 1 0
SpeakerTris Speaker 1 1
DooinRed Dooin (Blue Background) 1 0
McAleerJimmy McAleer 1 0
GesslerDoc Gessler 1 0
BirminghamJoe Birmingham 1 0
TurnerTerry Turner 1 0
MurphyDanny Murphy 1 0
HeitmullerHeinie Heitmuller 1 0
O'HaraBill O'Hara 1 0
JenningsHugh Jennings (Pastel Background) 1 1
PurtellBilly Purtell 1 0
CobbTy Cobb (Blue Background) 1 1
KonetchyEd Konetchy 1 0
SullivanBilly Sullivan 1 0
EversJohnny Evers (Blue Back) 1 1
McQuillanGeorge McQuillan (Philadelphia-Pastel Background) 1 0
CamnitzHowie Camnitz 1 0
WilsonArt Wilson (New York) 1 0
HartselTopsy Hartsel 1 0
O'ConnorJack O'Connor (St. Louis) 1 0
CrissDode Criss 1 0
LeeverSam Leever 1 0
SmithFrank Smith (Chicago) 1 0
DonovanPatsy Donovan (Boston) 1 0
BakerFrank Baker (Blue Back) 1 1
FrommeArt Fromme 1 0
BergerHeinie Berger 1 0
TinkerJoe Tinker (Blue Back) 1 1
MowreyMike Mowerey (Correct spell Mowrey) 1 0
BushDonie Bush 1 0
WillettEd Willett 1 0
HyattHam Hyatt 0 0
PlankEddie Plank 1 1
ClarkeNig Clarke (Cleveland) 1 0
KnabeOtto Knabe 1 0
StrunkAmos Strunk 1 0
EngleClyde Engle 1 0
McQuillanGeorge McQuillan (Philadelphia-Blue Background) 1 0
BenderChief Bender (Pastel Background) 1 1
ThoneyJack Thoney 1 0
MoriartyGeorge Moriarty 1 0
GriffithClark Griffith 1 1
NilesHarry Niles 1 0
SchettlerLou Schettler 1 0
CreeBirdie Cree 1 0
LeachTommy Leach (Pastel Background) 1 0
SimonMike Simon 1 0
BaileyBill Bailey 1 0
FrillJohn Frill 0 0
McMillanTommy McMillan 1 0
BrownMordecai Brown (Chicago-Blue Background) 1 1
WhiteDoc White 1 0
HummelJohn Hummel 1 0
PhelpsEddie Phelps 1 0
CicotteEddie Cicotte 1 0
KargerEd Karger 1 0
MathewsonChristy Mathewson (Pastel Background) 1 1
StreetGabby Street 1 0
EganDick Eagan (Correct spell Egan) 1 0
FosterEddie Foster 1 0
BemisHarry Bemis 1 0
ThomasIra Thomas (Blue Background) 1 0
MorenLew Moren (Black Back) 1 0
HallCharlie Hall 1 0
MeyersChief Meyers (Correct spell Meyers) 1 0
SchaeferGermany Schaefer 1 0
CrawfordSam Crawford (Pastel Background) 1 1
LappJack Lapp 1 0
SheckardJimmy Sheckard 1 0
AustinJimmy Austin 1 0
McInnisStuffy McInnes (Correct spell McInnis) 1 0
BridwellAl Bridwell 1 0
WalshJimmy Walsh (Philadelphia-White Background) 1 0
HughesTom Hughes 1 0
PfiesterJake Pfiester 1 0
ChaseHal Chase (Pastel Background) 1 0
DonahuePat Donahue 1 0
MaddoxNick Maddox 1 0
StoneGeorge Stone 1 0
DuffyHugh Duffy 1 1
FlynnJohn Flynn 1 0
BeebeFred Beebe 1 0
TenneyFred Tenney (Pastel Background) 0 0
MorenLew Moren (Blue Back) 1 0
GrantEddie Grant 1 0
ZwillingEdward Zwilling 1 0
RuckerNap Rucker (Blue Back) 1 0
CrawfordSam Crawford (Blue Background) 1 1
LaPorteFrank LaPorte 1 0
SharpeBud Sharpe 1 0
ArellanesFrank Arellanes (Correct spell Arellanes) 1 0
SteinfeldtHarry Steinfeldt 1 0
DoyleLarry Doyle (Blue Background) 1 0
McGrawJohn McGraw 1 1
BresnahanRoger Bresnahan (Blue Background) 1 1
WallaceBobby Wallace 1 1
HowellHarry Howell 1 0
PernollHub Pernoll 1 0
DevlinArt Devlin (Blue Back) 1 0
LushJohnny Lush 1 0 Buy
AmesRed Ames 1 0
FlickElmer Flick 1 1
BeckendorfHenry Beckendorf 1 0
SweeneyJeff Sweeney (New York) 1 0
MitchellMike Mitchell (Cincinnati) 1 0
GibsonGeorge Gibson (Pastel Background) 1 0
ZimmermanHeinie Zimmerman 1 0
JordanTim Jordan (Blue Background) 1 0
RichieLew Richie 1 0
ConroyWid Conroy 1 0
LakeJoe Lake (St. Louis) 1 0
SeymourCy Seymour (New York) 1 0
LordHarry Lord (Blue Background) 1 0
StanageOscar Stanage 1 0
DowneyTom Downey 1 0
McConnellAmby McConnell (Chicago) 1 0
BresnahanRoger Bresnahan (Pastel Background) 1 1
WagnerHeinie Wagner (Boston) 1 0
HooperHarry Hooper 1 1
PayneFred Payne 1 0
DemmittRay Demmitt 1 0
KruegerArt Krueger 1 0
SchweitzerAl Schweitzer 1 0
AdamsBabe Adams (Black Back) 1 0
FletcherArt Fletcher 1 0
BatesJohnny Bates (Philadelphia) 1 0
MitchellFred Mitchell (Rochester) 0 0
GasparHarry Gaspar 1 0
ChaseHal Chase (Blue Background) 1 0
YoungCy Young (Black Back) 1 1 Buy
JonesTom Jones (Detroit) 1 0
ReislingDoc Reisling 1 0
CorridonFrank Corridon 1 0