1909 White Borders Piedmont Factory 42 Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1909 White Borders Piedmont Factory 42 Baseball Card Set

ACC #:
Set Name:
White Borders Piedmont Factory 42
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Card Size:
1-7/16 x 2-5/8
Set Description:
This is the granddaddy and most popular set of the early tobacco card issues. They are color lithographs with a white border and there are 525 cards in the set. The backs have over 16 different company advertisements. This set is for the Factory 42 designated back that come in Piedmont 350-460 and Sweet Caporal 350-460. The other backs have been designated there own sets because the dollar values greatly increase dependent upon what type of back is printed on the card.

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
8 AmesRed Ames (Hands Above Head) 1 0
15 BakerFrank Baker 1 1
32 BenderChief Bender (Pitching-No Trees In Background) 1 1
37 BergerHeinie Berger 1 0
46 BradleyBill Bradley (Batting) 1 0
57 BrownMordecai Brown (Chicago On Shirt) 1 1
61 BurchAl Burch (Fielding) 1 0 Buy
79 ChanceFrank Chance (Portrait-Yellow Background) 1 1
82 ChaseHal Chase (Holding Trophy) 1 0
83 ChaseHal Chase (Portrait-Blue Background) 1 0
85 ChaseHal Chase (Throwing-Dark Cap) 1 0
96 CobbTy Cobb (Portrait-Red Background) 1 1
98 CobbTy Cobb (Bat Off Shoulder) 1 1
105 ConroyWid Conroy (Batting) 1 0
112 CrawfordSam Crawford (Batting) 1 1
121 DavisHarry Davis (Phila. Davis On Front) 1 0
133 DonlinMike Donlin (Batting) 1 0
138 DoolanMickey Doolan (Batting) 1 0
142 DoughertyPatsy Dougherty (Arm In Air) 1 0 Buy
144 DowneyTom Downey (Batting) 1 0 Buy
151 DoyleLarry Doyle (Batting) 1 0
162 ElberfeldKid Elberfeld (Washington-Fielding) 1 0
167 EversJohnny Evers (Batting-Chicago On Shirt) 1 1
195 GriffithClark Griffith (Batting) 1 1
232 JenningsHugh Jennings (One Hand Showing) 1 1
233 JenningsHugh Jennings (Both Hands Showing) 1 1
235 JohnsonWalter Johnson (Pitching) 1 1
242 JordanTim Jordan (Batting-Brookyn) 1 0
244 JossAddie Joss (Pitching) 1 1
255 KleinowRed Kleinow (Boston) 1 0
263 KonetchyEd Konetchy (Glove Near Ground) 1 0
271 LajoieNap Lajoie (Batting) 1 1
274 LakeJoe Lake (St. Louis-No Ball In Hand) 1 0
276 LathamArlie Latham 1 0
279 LeachTommy Leach (Bending Over) 1 0 Buy
281 LeifieldLefty Leifield (Batting) 1 0
297 MageeSherry Magee (Batting) 1 0
302 ManningRube Manning (Pitching) 1 0
304 MarquardRube Marquard (Pitching Follow-Through) 1 1
307 MathewsonChristy Mathewson (Dark Cap) 1 1
325 McIntireHarry McIntyre (Brooklyn & Chicago-Correct spell McIntire) 1 0
329 McQuillanGeorge McQuillan (Batting) 1 0
331 MerkleFred Merkle (Throwing) 1 0
349 MullinGeorge Mullin (Batting) 1 0
350 MurphyDanny Murphy (Batting) 1 0 Buy
368 O'LearyCharley O'Leary (Hands On Knees) 1 0
373 OverallOrval Overall (Hand Face Level) 1 0
384 PeltyBarney Pelty (Vertical Photo) 1 0
390 PfiesterJake Pfeister (Throwing-Correct spell Pfiester) 1 0
407 ReulbachEd Reulbach (No Glove Showing) 1 0
417 RuckerNap Rucker (Throwing) 1 0
421 SchaeferGermany Schaefer (Washington) 1 0
424 SchleiAdmiral Schlei (Batting) 1 0
426 SchleiAdmiral Schlei (Portrait) 1 0
435 SeymourCy Seymour (Portrait) 1 0
436 SeymourCy Seymour (Throwing) 1 0
449 SmithFrank Smith (Chicago & Boston) 1 0
454 SnodgrassFred Snodgrass (Catching) 1 0
458 StahlJake Stahl (Glove Shows) 1 0
464 SteinfeldtHarry Steinfeldt (Batting) 1 0
470 StreetGabby Street (Catching) 1 0
475 SweeneyJeff Sweeney (New York) 1 0
485 TinkerJoe Tinker (Bat Off Shoulder) 1 1
496 WagnerHeinie Wagner (Bat On Right Shoulder) 1 0
504 WhiteDoc White (Chicago-Pitching) 1 0
509 WilhelmKaiser Wilhelm (Batting) 1 0
511 WillettEd Willetts (Throwing-Correct spell Willett) 1 0
514 WillisVic Willis (Throwing) 1 1
515 WillisVic Willis (Batting) 1 1
517 WiltseHooks Wiltse (Pitching) 1 0
519 WiltseHooks Wiltse (Portrait-With Cap) 1 0
521 YoungCy Young (Cleveland-Glove Shows) 1 1