1909 White Borders Cycle 460 Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1909 White Borders Cycle 460 Baseball Card Set

ACC #:
Set Name:
White Borders Cycle 460
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Card Size:
1-7/16 x 2-5/8
Set Description:
This is the granddaddy and most popular set of the early tobacco card issues. They are color lithographs with a white border and there are 525 cards in the set. This set is only for sales records for Cycle 460 backed Cards.

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 AbbaticchioEd Abbaticchio (Blue Sleeves) 1 0
8 AmesRed Ames (Hands Above Head) 1 0
15 BakerFrank Baker 1 1
17 BallNeal Ball (Cleveland) 1 0
31 BellGeorge Bell (Pitching Follow Through) 1 0
32 BenderChief Bender (Pitching-No Trees In Background) 1 1
36 BergenBill Bergen (Catching) 1 0
37 BergerHeinie Berger 1 0
39 BescherBob Bescher (Hands In Air) 1 0
46 BradleyBill Bradley (Batting) 1 0
53 BridwellAl Bridwell (Portrait-With Cap) 1 0
57 BrownMordecai Brown (Chicago On Shirt) 1 1
61 BurchAl Burch (Fielding) 1 0
68 CamnitzHowie Camnitz (Arm at Side) 1 0 Buy
70 CamnitzHowie Camnitz (Hands above Head) 1 0
77 ChanceFrank Chance (Batting) 1 1
79 ChanceFrank Chance (Portrait-Yellow Background) 1 1
82 ChaseHal Chase (Holding Trophy) 1 0
83 ChaseHal Chase (Portrait-Blue Background) 1 0
85 ChaseHal Chase (Throwing-Dark Cap) 1 0
96 CobbTy Cobb (Portrait-Red Background) 1 1
98 CobbTy Cobb (Bat Off Shoulder) 1 1
105 ConroyWid Conroy (Batting) 1 0
108 CrandallDoc Crandall (Portrait-With Cap) 1 0
112 CrawfordSam Crawford (Batting) 1 1
121 DavisHarry Davis (Phila. Davis On Front) 1 0 Buy
129 DevoreJosh Devore 1 0
133 DonlinMike Donlin (Batting) 1 0
138 DoolanMickey Doolan (Batting) 1 0
142 DoughertyPatsy Dougherty (Arm In Air) 1 0 Buy
144 DowneyTom Downey (Batting) 1 0
149 DoyleLarry Doyle (Portrait) 1 0
151 DoyleLarry Doyle (Batting) 1 0 Buy
153 DuffyHugh Duffy 1 1
162 ElberfeldKid Elberfeld (Washington-Fielding) 1 0
167 EversJohnny Evers (Batting-Chicago On Shirt) 1 1
177 FordRuss Ford 1 0
180 FrillJohn Frill 1 0
183 GandilChick Gandil 1 0
187 GeyerRube Geyer 1 0
195 GriffithClark Griffith (Batting) 1 1
210 HerzogBuck Herzog (Boston) 1 0
222 HowellHarry Howell (Hand at Waist) 1 0 Buy
227 HummelJohn Hummel 1 0
232 JenningsHugh Jennings (One Hand Showing) 1 1
233 JenningsHugh Jennings (Both Hands Showing) 1 1
235 JohnsonWalter Johnson (Pitching) 1 1
242 JordanTim Jordan (Brookyn-Batting) 1 0
244 JossAddie Joss (Pitching) 1 1
255 KleinowRed Kleinow (Boston) 1 0
263 KonetchyEd Konetchy (Glove Near Ground) 1 0 Buy
271 LajoieNap Lajoie (Batting) 1 1
273 LakeJoe Lake (St. Louis-Ball In Hand) 1 0 Buy
274 LakeJoe Lake (St. Louis-No Ball in Hand) 1 0
276 LathamArlie Latham 1 0
279 LeachTommy Leach (Bending Over) 1 0
281 LeifieldLefty Leifield (Batting) 1 0
297 MageeSherry Magee (Batting) 1 0
302 ManningRube Manning (Pitching) 1 0
304 MarquardRube Marquard (Pitching Follow-Through) 1 1
307 MathewsonChristy Mathewson (Dark Cap) 1 1
321 McGrawJohn McGraw (Glove at Hip) 1 1
323 McGrawJohn McGraw (Portrait-With Cap) 1 1
325 McIntireHarry McIntyre (Brooklyn & Chicago, correct spell McIntire) 1 0
329 McQuillanGeorge McQuillan (Batting) 1 0
331 MerkleFred Merkle (Throwing) 1 0
333 MeyersChief Meyers 1 0 Buy
349 MullinGeorge Mullin (Batting) 1 0
350 MurphyDanny Murphy (Batting) 1 0
353 MurrayRed Murray (Portrait) 1 0
357 NeedhamTom Needham 1 0
366 OldringRube Oldring (Batting) 1 0
368 O'LearyCharley O'Leary (Hands On Knees) 1 0
373 OverallOrval Overall (Hand Face Level) 1 0
374 OverallOrval Overall (Hands Waist Level) 1 0
382 PayneFred Payne 1 0
384 PeltyBarney Pelty (Vertical Photo) 1 0
388 PfefferFrancis Pfeffer 1 0
390 PfiesterJake Pfeister (Throwing-Correct spell Pfiester) 1 0
407 ReulbachEd Reulbach (No Glove Showing) 1 0
417 RuckerNap Rucker (Throwing) 1 0 Buy
421 SchaeferGermany Schaefer (Washington) 1 0
424 SchleiAdmiral Schlei (Batting) 1 0 Buy
426 SchleiAdmiral Schlei (Portrait) 1 0
431 SchulteWildfire Schulte (Back View) 1 0
435 SeymourCy Seymour (Portrait) 1 0
436 SeymourCy Seymour (Throwing) 1 0 Buy
442 SheckardJimmy Sheckard (Glove Showing) 1 0
449 SmithFrank Smith (Chicago & Boston) 1 0
450 SmithHappy Smith (Brooklyn) 1 0
454 SnodgrassFred Snodgrass (Catching) 1 0
458 StahlJake Stahl (Glove Shows) 1 0
464 SteinfeldtHarry Steinfeldt (Batting) 1 0
467 StovallGeorge Stovall (Batting) 0 0 Buy
470 StreetGabby Street (Catching) 1 0
475 SweeneyJeff Sweeney (New York) 1 0
478 TannehillLee Tannehill (Chicago-Tannehill On Front) 1 0 Buy
485 TinkerJoe Tinker (Bat Off Shoulder) 1 1
486 TinkerJoe Tinker (Bat On Shoulder) 1 1
496 WagnerHeinie Wagner (Bat On Right Shoulder) 1 0 Buy
503 WheatZach Wheat 1 1
504 WhiteDoc White (Chicago-Pitching) 1 0
509 WilhelmKaiser Wilhelm (Batting) 1 0
511 WillettEd Willetts (Throwing-Correct spell Willett) 1 0
514 WillisVic Willis (Throwing) 1 1
515 WillisVic Willis (Batting) 1 1
517 WiltseHooks Wiltse (Pitching) 1 0
519 WiltseHooks Wiltse (Portrait-With Cap) 1 0
521 YoungCy Young (Glove Shows) 1 1