Tom Clarke Baseball Cards

Tom Clarke Baseball Cards

Year    ACC# Set Name Card # Price Photo Variation
1902 W600 Sporting Life Cabinets 105 Cincinnati, 1910
1909 E254 Colgan's Chips Stars of the Diamond 1 1 Cincinnati
1910 M116 Sporting Life 1 1 Cincinnati
1911 T201 Mecca Double Folders 1 1
1912 T207 Brown Backgrounds Broadleaf 31 1
1912 T207 Brown Backgrounds Common back 1 1
1912 T207 Brown Backgrounds Red Cross 31 1
1912 T207 Brown Backgrounds Red Cycle 31 1
1912 E270 Colgan's Chips Red Border
1916 Altoona Tribune 33 1
1916 M101-4 Burgess-Nash Co. 33 1
1916 M101-4 Everybody's 33 1 1
1916 M101-5 Famous & Barr Co. 32 1
1916 D381 Fleischmann Bakery 1 Hand and glove show
1916 D381 Fleischmann Bakery 1 No hand/glove
1916 M101-4 Gimbels 33 1
1916 Gimbels (M101-5) 32
1916 Green-Joyce 33 1 1
1916 M101-4 Herpolsheimer Co. 33 1
1916 M101-5 Holmes for Homes Bread 32
1916 Indianapolis Brewing 33 1
1916 M101-4 Mall Theatre 33 1
1916 Morehouse Baking 33
1916 M101-4 Sporting News 33 1 1
1916 M101-5 Sporting News & Blank 32 1 1 Blank Back
1916 D350-1 Standard Biscuit 32 1
1916 M101-5 Successful Farming 32
1916 H801-9 The Globe Clothing 33 1 1
1916 Wares 33 1
1916 D329 Weil Baking Co. 33 1 1
1917 H801-8 Boston Store 29 1
1917 E135 Collins-McCarthy 29 1 1
1917 D350-2 Standard Biscuit 29
1917 D328 Weil Baking Co. 29 1