Slim Sallee Baseball Cards

Slim Sallee Baseball Cards

Year    ACC# Set Name Card # Price Photo Variation
1902 W600 Sporting Life Cabinets 562 St. Louis, NL, 1910
1909 E254 Colgan's Chips Stars of the Diamond 1
1909 T204 Ramly 1 1
1910 E271 Darby Chocolates 29
1910 M116 Sporting Life 1 1
1911 T3 Turkey Reds 37 1 Checklist Back-(No Offer)
1911 T3 Turkey Reds 37 1 1 Checklist Back
1912 E270 Colgan's Chips Red Border
1912 E270 Colgan's Chips Tin Tops
1912 E300 Plow's Candy
1914 E145-1 Cracker Jack 123 1 1
1914 T222 Fatima Player Cards 1 1
1915 E145-2 Cracker Jack 123 1 1
1916 Altoona Tribune 153 1
1916 Block & Kuhl (1916) 153 1
1916 M101-4 Burgess-Nash Co. 153 1
1916 M101-4 Everybody's 153 1
1916 M101-5 Famous & Barr Co. 153 1 1
1916 M101-4 Gimbels 153 1
1916 Gimbels (M101-5) 153 1
1916 Green-Joyce 153 1
1916 M101-4 Herpolsheimer Co. 153 1 1
1916 M101-5 Holmes for Homes Bread 153 1
1916 Indianapolis Brewing 153 1 1
1916 M101-4 Mall Theatre 153 1
1916 Morehouse Baking 153 1
1916 M101-4 Sporting News 153 1 1
1916 M101-5 Sporting News & Blank 153 1 1 Blank Back
1916 M101-5 Successful Farming 153
1916 H801-9 The Globe Clothing 153 1
1916 Wares 153 1
1916 D329 Weil Baking Co. 153 1
1917 H801-8 Boston Store 149 1 1
1917 E135 Collins-McCarthy 149 1 1
1917 D350-2 Standard Biscuit 149 1
1917 D328 Weil Baking Co. 149 1 1
1919 Cincinnati Reds Postcards 1 1
1919 Play Ball Notebooks 2 1
1919 W514 Strip Card 86 1 1
1921 E121-80 American Caramel--Series of 80 1 No glove showing
1921 E121-80 American Caramel--Series of 80 1 Glove showing
1921 Clarks Bread
1921 Clarks Bread Ball in hand
1921 Herpolsheimer's (1921) Glove Showing
1921 Holsum Bread (1921) 1
1921 D383 Koester Bread N.Y. Giants/N.Y. Yankees
1921 Witmor Candy Glove showing
1921 Witmor Candy No glove showing
1922 E122 American Caramel--Series of 80 1
1922 Big-Tayto-Loaf Bread 148 Ball in hand
1922 Big-Tayto-Loaf Bread 149
1922 Gassler's Bread
1922 Gassler's Bread Ball in hand
1922 Mrs. Sherlock Bread Pins 16
1922 W575-1 Strip Card Ball in hand
1922 W575-1 Strip Card 1 Throwing
1923 E123 Curtis Ireland Candy
1923 V100 Willard Chocolate 1