Paul Splittorff Baseball Cards

Paul Splittorff Baseball Cards

Year    Set Name Card # Price Photo Variation Available
1971 O-Pee-Chee 247 1
1971 Topps 247 1 1 Buy
1972 O-Pee-Chee 315 1
1972 Topps 315 1 1 Buy
1973 O-Pee-Chee 48
1973 Topps 48 1 1 Buy
1974 Kansas City Royals-Postcards
1974 O-Pee-Chee 225 1
1974 Topps 225 1 1 Buy
1974 Topps Deckle Edge 56 1 Proof-Gray Back
1974 Topps Deckle Edge 56 1
1974 Topps Deckle Edge 56 1 White Back
1974 Topps Stamps 1
1975 O-Pee-Chee 340 1
1975 SSPC 163 1
1975 Topps 340 1 1 Buy
1975 Topps Mini 340 1
1976 O-Pee-Chee 43 1
1976 Topps 43 1 1 Buy
1977 Burger Chef Funmeal Discs
1977 O-Pee-Chee 41 1
1977 Topps 534 1 1 Buy
1978 Hostess 1 Hand Cut-Panel
1978 Hostess 111 1 Hand Cut
1978 SSPC All Star Gallery 230 Hand Cut
1978 Topps 638 1 1
1979 Kellogg's 10 1 IP 1665
1979 Kellogg's 10 1 IP 1666
1979 O-Pee-Chee 90 1 1
1979 Royals Team Issue
1979 Topps 183 1 1 Buy
1980 O-Pee-Chee 214 1
1980 Topps 409 1 1 Buy
1981 Fleer 30 1
1981 Fleer Star Stickers 95 1
1981 Topps 218 1 1
1982 Donruss 464 1 Buy
1982 Fleer 423 1
1982 O-Pee-Chee 126
1982 Topps 759 1
1983 Donruss 286 1
1983 Fleer 124 1
1983 Topps 316 1
1984 Donruss 521 1 Buy
1984 Fleer 360 1
1984 Topps 52 1 1 Buy
1984 Topps Nestle Hand Cut 52 1
1984 Topps Stickers 281
1984 Topps Stickers 37/281
1984 Topps Tiffany 52 1
1999 Sports Illustrated Greats of the Game Autographs