Oscar Vitt Baseball Cards

Oscar Vitt Baseball Cards

Year    ACC# Set Name Card # Price Photo Variation Available
1910 T212 (175) Obak 1 1
1911 T4 Obak Cabinets 161 San Francisco
1911 T212 Red Back Obak Red Back 1 1
1911 D310 Pacific Coast Biscuit 1 San Francisco Seals
1911 D311 Pacific Coast Biscuit 1
1911 Zeenut Pacific Coast League 1
1912 T217 Mono Cigarettes 1 1
1914 T222 Fatima Player Cards 1 1
1916 Altoona Tribune 181 1
1916 Block & Kuhl (1916) 183 1
1916 M101-4 Burgess-Nash Co. 181 1
1916 M101-4 Everybody's 181 1
1916 M101-5 Famous & Barr Co. 183 1 1
1916 M101-4 Gimbels 181 1 1
1916 Gimbels (M101-5) 183 1
1916 Green-Joyce 181 1
1916 M101-4 Herpolsheimer Co. 181 1
1916 M101-5 Holmes for Homes Bread 183 1
1916 Indianapolis Brewing 181 1 1
1916 M101-4 Mall Theatre 181 1 1
1916 Morehouse Baking 181 1
1916 M101-4 Sporting News 181 1 1
1916 M101-4 Sporting News 181 1 Blank Back
1916 M101-5 Sporting News & Blank 183 1 1 Blank Back
1916 M101-5 Successful Farming 183
1916 H801-9 The Globe Clothing 181 1
1916 Wares 181 1
1916 D329 Weil Baking Co. 181 1 1
1917 H801-8 Boston Store 179 1 1
1917 E135 Collins-McCarthy 179 1
1917 D350-2 Standard Biscuit 179 1 1
1917 D328 Weil Baking Co. 179 1 1
1919 M101-6 Felix Mendlesohn 1
1921 E121-80 American Caramel--Series of 80 1 1
1921 Clarks Bread 3B.
1921 Clarks Bread 3rd B.
1921 Herpolsheimer's (1921) 3rd B.
1921 Witmor Candy
1922 E121-120 American Caramel--Series of 120 ! RB 1 1
1922 E122 American Caramel--Series of 80 1
1922 Big-Tayto-Loaf Bread 190 3rd B.
1922 Big-Tayto-Loaf Bread 191 3B.
1922 Gassler's Bread 3rd B.
1922 Gassler's Bread 3B.
1922 W501 Strip Card 9 1 Hand Cut
1922 W575-1 Strip Card 3B.
1922 W575-1 Strip Card 1 Hand Cut-Panel
1922 W575-1 Strip Card 1 3rd B.
1923 Zeenut
1924 Zeenut Pacific Coast League 130 1
1925 Zeenut
1927 Zeenut Pacific Coast League ! 1
1928 Zeenut 157 1
1930 Zeenut
1931 Zeenut 1
1932 Zeenut Pacific Coast League 1 w/Coupon
1933 Zeenut B&W 1 Hollywood
1933 Zeenut B&W 1 Oakland
1933 Zeenut Pacific Coast League Sepia 1 w/Coupon
1933 Zeenut Pacific Coast League Sepia 1 Hand Cut
1935 Pebble Beach Clothiers 1
1940 R335 Play Ball 47 1 1 Buy