Mewelde Moore Football Cards

Mewelde Moore Football Cards

Year    Set Name Card # Price Variation
2004 Bowman Chrome 141
2004 Bowman Signs of the Future SFMM
2004 Bowman's Best 103 Jersey
2004 Donruss Classics 207
2004 Finest 114 Autograph-Refractor
2004 Finest 114 Autograph
2004 Finest 114 Autograph-Gold Refractor
2004 Fleer Tradition 360 Draft Day
2004 Fleer Tradition 360
2004 Fleer Tradition 360 Crystal
2004 Playoff Contenders 157 Autograph
2004 Score 411 Scorecard
2004 SP Authentic 172 1 Autograph
2004 SP Authentic Scripts for Success Autograph SS-MM
2004 SP Game Used 137
2004 SP Game Used 137 Gold
2004 SPx 185
2004 Topps 334 Black
2004 Topps 334
2004 Topps 334 Collection
2004 Topps 334 1st Edition
2004 Topps Chrome 189 Gold Xfractor
2004 Topps Chrome 189
2004 Topps Chrome 189 Refractor
2004 Topps Chrome 189 Black Refractor
2004 Topps Draft Picks & Prospects Big Dogs Relics BD-MM
2004 Topps Pristine 120 Refractor
2004 Topps Pristine 120
2004 Topps Pristine 120 Gold Refractor
2004 Topps Pristine 122
2004 Ultimate Collection 132 Autograph
2004 Upper Deck 274
2004 Upper Deck Finite HG 177
2004 Upper Deck Reflections 127 Red
2006 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia 91 Spectrum
2006 Topps 2
2006 Topps Draft Picks & Prospects 106
2009 Topps 126