Joe Wood Baseball Cards

Joe Wood Baseball Cards

Year    ACC# Set Name Card # Price Photo Variation
1900 Postcards & Trade 1
1907 Samuel Hirst Postcard 1
1909 PC758 Max Stein Postcards 1 1
1909 M101-2 Sporting News Supplements 1 1
1910 E91-C American Caramel 1 1
1910 M116 Sporting Life 1 1
1910 Washington Times 19
1912 Boston American Postcards
1912 Boston Daily American Postcards 1
1912 T207 Brown Backgrounds Broadleaf 202 1 1
1912 T207 Brown Backgrounds Common back 1 1
1912 T207 Brown Backgrounds Red Cross 202 1
1912 T207 Brown Backgrounds Red Cycle 202 1
1912 T202 Hassan Triple Folders 1 1 Speaker/Wood
1912 T202 Hassan Triple Folders 1 1 Speaker/Wood
1912 Underwood & Underwood Postcards 740 1
1912 Vassar Sweaters 1
1913 WG5 National Game 42 1 1
1913 Sophomore Perfect Clothes Advertising Card 1 One Hundred Thousand Dollars Worth of Pitchers
1913 WG6 Tom Barker Game 1 1
1914 E145-1 Cracker Jack 22 1 1
1914 T330-2 Piedmont Art Stamps 1
1914 WG4 Polo Grounds Game 1 1
1914 E224-1 Texas Tommy Type 1 1
1914 E224-2 Texas Tommy Type 2 14
1915 E145-2 Cracker Jack 22 1 1
1915 W-UNC Strip Cards
1916 Altoona Tribune 195 1
1916 Block & Kuhl (1916) 195 1 1
1916 M101-4 Burgess-Nash Co. 195 1
1916 M101-4 Everybody's 195 1
1916 M101-5 Famous & Barr Co. 196 1 1
1916 BF2 Ferguson Bakery Felt Pennant 1
1916 D381 Fleischmann Bakery 1 1 With Tab
1916 D381 Fleischmann Bakery 1 Hand Cut-No Tab
1916 M101-4 Gimbels 195 1
1916 Gimbels (M101-5) 196 1
1916 Green-Joyce 195 1
1916 M101-4 Herpolsheimer Co. 195 1
1916 M101-5 Holmes for Homes Bread 196 1
1916 Indianapolis Brewing 195 1 1
1916 M101-4 Mall Theatre 195 1
1916 Morehouse Baking 195
1916 M101-4 Sporting News 195 1 1
1916 M101-4 Sporting News 195 1 1 Blank Back
1916 M101-5 Sporting News & Blank 196 1 1 Blank Back
1916 D350-1 Standard Biscuit 196 1
1916 M101-5 Successful Farming 196
1916 H801-9 The Globe Clothing 195 1 1
1916 Wares 195 1
1916 D329 Weil Baking Co. 195 1
1917 H801-8 Boston Store 194 1
1917 E135 Collins-McCarthy 194 1 1
1917 D350-2 Standard Biscuit 194
1917 D328 Weil Baking Co. 194
1921 E121-80 American Caramel--Series of 80 1 1
1921 Clarks Bread 1
1921 Herpolsheimer's (1921) 1
1921 D350-3 Standard Biscuit 1
1921 Witmor Candy
1922 E120 American Caramel 1 1
1922 E122 American Caramel--Series of 80 1
1922 Big-Tayto-Loaf Bread 200
1922 W461-2 Exhibits 1922 (Set 2) 1 1
1922 Gassler's Bread
1922 W573 Strip Card 1
1922 W575-1 Strip Card 1 1
1922 W575-1 Strip Card 1 Hand Cut-Panel
1923 E123 Curtis Ireland Candy
1923 W572 Strip Card 1 Hand Cut
1923 V100 Willard Chocolate 1 1
1972 TCMA 1922 American Caramel E121 Reprints 1
1978 Grand Slam 87 1
1982 Big League Collectibles Diamond Classics, Ser.1 3 1
1982 TCMA Baseball's Greatest Pitchers 40 1
1993 Upper Deck All-Time Heroes 155
1993 Upper Deck All-Time Heroes 157
1994 Upper Deck American Epic 24
2004 SP Legendary Cuts Cut Signature SW
2005 Upper Deck Classics Classic Cuts CUTJW
2013 Panini Golden Age Delong Gum 28
2019 Panini Diamond Kings 10
2019 Panini Diamond Kings Diamond Cuts DCJW Holo Blue
2020 Panini Diamond Kings 29 Plum Frame
2020 Panini Diamond Kings 29 Artist Proof Gold
2020 Panini Diamond Kings 29
2020 Panini Diamond Kings 29 Wood Frame
2020 Panini Diamond Kings 29 Blue Frame
2020 Panini Diamond Kings 29 Artist Proof Blue
2021 Panini Diamond Kings Legacy Lithographs LL-16