Ismael Valdes Baseball Cards

Ismael Valdes Baseball Cards

Year    Set Name Card # Price Variation Available
1995 Donruss 29
1995 Donruss Card Game Top of the Order
1995 Finest 316 Refractor
1995 Finest 316 Refractor w/Coating
1995 Select Certified 99
1995 Select Certified 99 Mirror Gold
1995 Topps 66
1995 Upper Deck 323
1996 Fleer Tiffany 448
1996 Score Dugout Collection 86 Series 1-Artist's Proof
1996 Select Certified 52 1 Mirror Red
1996 Select Certified 52 1 Mirror Blue Buy
1996 Select Certified 52 1 Mirror Gold
1996 Topps 324
1996 Topps Chrome 128 1 Refractor
1996 Topps Gallery 124 Player's Private Issue
1996 Zenith 33 1 Artist's Proof
1997 Donruss Preferred 129 Cut to the Chase
1997 Finest 264
1997 Flair Showcase 158 1 Row 0
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection 158 Row 0
1997 Kenner Starting Lineup
1997 Topps 166
1998 Circa Thunder 80 Super Rave
1998 Donruss Signature Century Marks Century Marks
1998 Donruss Signature Millennium Marks
1998 Finest 96
1998 Metal Universe 68 Precious Metal Gems
1998 Topps 357 Diamondbacks Inaugural
1998 Topps Chrome 357 Refractor
1999 Metal Universe 152 Precious Metal Gems
1999 Metal Universe 152 1 Gem Masters 1/1
1999 Skybox Premium 203 Star Rubies
1999 Topps 182
1999 Topps MVP Promotion 182
1999 Ultra 159P Masterpiece 1/1
2000 Topps 289
2002 Topps 478
2003 Topps 187
2004 Topps 123