Bill Wambsganss Baseball Cards

Bill Wambsganss Baseball Cards

Year    ACC# Set Name Card # Price Photo Variation Available
1916 Altoona Tribune 185 1
1916 M101-4 Burgess-Nash Co. 185 1
1916 M101-4 Everybody's 185 1 photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 M101-4 Gimbels 185 1 photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 Green-Joyce 185 1 photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 M101-4 Herpolsheimer Co. 185 1 photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 Indianapolis Brewing 185 1 photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 M101-4 Mall Theatre 185 1 photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 Morehouse Baking 185 Photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 M101-4 Sporting News 185 1 Photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 M101-4 Sporting News 185 1 1 Blank Back-Photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 H801-9 The Globe Clothing 185 1 photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 Wares 185 1 photo is Fritz Coumbe
1916 D329 Weil Baking Co. 185 1 Photo is Fritz Coumbe
1917 H801-8 Boston Store 184 1
1917 E135 Collins-McCarthy 184 1
1917 D350-2 Standard Biscuit 184 1
1917 D328 Weil Baking Co. 184 1
1919 M101-6 Felix Mendlesohn 1 1
1921 E121-80 American Caramel--Series of 80 1 1 Photo is Fred Coumbe
1921 Clarks Bread
1921 Herpolsheimer's (1921) 1
1921 Holsum Bread (1921) 1 1
1921 E220 National Caramel 1 Correct spell Wambsganss
1921 Witmor Candy Photo is Fred Coumbe
1922 E120 American Caramel 1 1
1922 E121-120 American Caramel--Series of 120 ! RB 1 1 Photo actually Fred Coumbe
1922 E122 American Caramel--Series of 80 1
1922 Big-Tayto-Loaf Bread 193
1922 Gassler's Bread
1922 V61-1 Neilson's Chocolate Type 1 31 1 1
1922 V61-2 Neilson's Chocolate Type 2 1 1
1922 W573 Strip Card 1
1922 W575-1 Strip Card 1
1923 V117 Maple Crispette 29 1 1
1923 W572 Strip Card 1 Hand Cut
1925 W461-4 Exhibits 1925 (Set 4) 1 1
1926 W461-5 Exhibits 1926 (Set 5) 1 1
1927 W461-6 Exhibits (Green Tint ; Set 6) 1 1 Correct spell Wambsganss
1963 Gad Fun Cards 59 1
1967 Laughlin World Series 17 1
1968 SCFC Old Timers 16 1
1972 Laughlin Great Feats 49 1 Blue Border
1972 Laughlin Great Feats 49 1 Red Border
1976 Motorola 4 1 Buy
1979 Wallin Diamond Greats 277 1
1984 TCMA Renata Galasso 262